The article's Alpha: "Another week, another fake plan from President Obama to cut the deficit. Here’s the outline, courtesy of the AP:
And its Omega: "This isn’t a credible plan. This is yet another soak-the-rich/class-warfare scheme aimed solely at securing Obama’s reelection." Stephen Green
Neal Boortz: "...the “fair share” term is all you need to understand that this is a class warfare campaign." "How can people forget that Obama increased government spending by more than 25% in his first two and one-half years? Just how does he get away with this? He increases spending by that amount and doubles our debt ... then he says that our problem is that the rich simply are not paying their “fair share” in taxes." Then he posts this: Is it any wonder we can't get our economy growing?
CEO Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital testifies before Congress that he was fined by the federal government for hiring too many people and that government regulations have forced him to put expansion plans on hold. Video and article below.
Peter Schiff : What Obama Should Really Do To Spur Job Growth