Groups press Obama on religious hiring
Religious Leaders to the President: Don't Curtail Our Religious Hiring Freedom
"Activists are again pressing the Obama administration to curtail religious hiring by religious organizations that receive government funding."
So far it doesn't affect the average church, but give 'em time. Liberals never sleep and they must always seek remedies for their guilt-ridden lives.
pdf of the letter here.
Religious Freedom in Canada: Chris Kempling delivered this address on March 4, 2005 in New York City to a United Nations Commission on Human Rights Delegate Briefing. He received a standing ovation.
Levant and the secret trial.
The Moral Liberal "The letter claims the executive order allows faith-based groups to discriminate against potential employees on the basis of religion and urges the administration to replace the policy with one that could force religious organizations contracting with the government to disregard their convictions when hiring."....
"As Jennifer Marshall and Joseph Loconte pointed out in a Heritage Foundation paper:
“There is no more vital protection for organizations with a religiously-rooted approach to social assistance than the freedom to hire according to their convictions. The leadership and staff of an organization determine its destiny. They alone will carry out its mission, uphold its priorities, and embody its deepest values. If the First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty does not protect the employment decisions of faith-based organizations - their right to free association - then it has become a meaningless abstraction.”
Levant |
"Activists are again pressing the Obama administration to curtail religious hiring by religious organizations that receive government funding."
So far it doesn't affect the average church, but give 'em time. Liberals never sleep and they must always seek remedies for their guilt-ridden lives.
pdf of the letter here.
Religious Freedom in Canada: Chris Kempling delivered this address on March 4, 2005 in New York City to a United Nations Commission on Human Rights Delegate Briefing. He received a standing ovation.
If Christians say publicly that they disapprove of homosexual behaviour because the Bible declares it to be immoral, then that is "promoting hatred". If they quote medical statistics about the HIV infection rates of homosexual men, that is "promoting hatred". If they object to their children being indoctrinated in kindergarten class with information about homosexuality, they are hateful people.
Steyn |
Suppression of free speech is further advanced in Canada. Watch Canada to see where America is headed under liberalism. Are we headed for Canadian-style star chambers? See examples of star chambers in action:
The persecution of Mark Steyn: Steyn wrote:
...Western society may be irrevocably altered — and not for the better — by unassimilated Muslim immigration.Ezra Levant Mows Down the Canadian Star Chambers:
Levant and the secret trial.
His decision is not that I have freedom of speech. His decision is that I have his approval. I'm not interested in his approval. The only test of free speech is if I can write what he disapproves of with impunity.