Sunday, October 9, 2011

Israel as a wedge issue

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Caroline Glick  " But for the first time in his presidency, last month at the UN Obama spoke to a world audience and drew a moral equivalence between Israel that seeks peace and the Palestinians who seek Israel's destruction.
"Given his record, this is a step forward.
"What caused the change?
"Quite simply, the Republican victory in New York's 9th Congressional District's special election earlier this month caused the change. Obama did not attack Israel at the UN because he is concerned that he is losing American Jewish support."....
"Traditional Democratic support for Israel began eroding with the nomination of George McGovern as the party's presidential candidate in 1972. Before Obama, Jimmy Carter was the most hostile president Israel ever experienced.
"In the 1990s, Bill Clinton was widely regarded as pro-Israel. Yet during Clinton's eight years in office, Yassir Arafat was the most frequent foreign guest at the White House. Clinton's legacy was the Palestinian terror war which broke out in his last months in office."

Regulation Happy in San Francisco

Heritage  "The Precautionary Principle is often used to justify needless regulations and leaves the door open for all kinds of open-ended regulation that could do significantly more damage. In implementing it, San Francisco is merely repeating the mistakes of many other government entities.
"Gattuso and Katz point out that in the past two years, the Obama Administration has imposed 75 new major regulations with a price tag of $38 billion.
"As red tape rises within every inch of our nation’s private industry, where will the government intrusion end? Until there’s a concrete reason to warn cell phone consumers of radiation risks, retailers definitely shouldn’t be forced to deal with these precautionary measures."

Obama's Behavior Is Getting Worse/ Peeking Behind the Liberal Curtain
David Limbaugh "Obama's Thursday news conference was a sober reminder of the nature of the man in the Oval Office. I infer that even many of his supporters in the liberal media are finally catching on to the magnitude of his personality disorders.
"How could a man in his important position continue to act so childishly, accepting no responsibility for his policies and behavior and demonizing everyone who dares to disagree with or oppose him? It's worse than embarrassing; it's unsettling."
"Our chief executive either is a mastermind at Machiavellian manipulation or has deep psychological and emotional problems. I've never seen an adult in an important leadership position -- especially not the president of the United States -- show such frightening immaturity and self-absorption."
Mr. Limbaugh is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of Crimes Against Liberty, Bankrupt: The Moral and Intellectual Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party, Absolute Power and Persecution.
H/t to Alan Caruba

Peeking Behind the Liberal Curtain  "Looking back on the first three years of this administration, I can't decide which I've found more repulsive -- Obama's loony policies or his unmitigated arrogance. After all, he was the guy who vowed to heal the planet, lower the ocean and make America everybody's sweetheart. And yet, in spite of a trillion dollar stimulus, this oaf has seen unemployment and underemployment soar; has seen nation after nation treat us like a toothless, foul-smelling, tiger; has seen his party lose one election after another; has seen his own approval numbers approach Jimmy Carter's; has overseen the loss of our triple-A credit rating; and spent nearly two years twisting arms and bribing politicians to pass an unpopular 2,000-page health care bill that, in the end, is likely to be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court."

In this same column, Burt Prelutsky comments on the American hikers ransomed by the US from Iran:  Obama and these leftist hikers; all part of the Bill Ayers crowd.
Inasmuch as this jerk felt compelled to find a moral equivalency between the country that had tossed his sorry ass in prison and the country that had spent a great deal of time, effort and money, to gain his release, I wasn't shocked to discover that Bauer is a freelance journalist for the San Francisco-based, far leftwing New America Media; that Fattal describes himself as an environmental activist; and that Bauer's fiancé and fellow hiker, Sharon Shourd, who had been released a year earlier, is a member of Just Cause, an Oakland-based group that favors racial reparations, continues to oppose white colonialism decades after it ended, and even, ironically enough, finds nice things to say about Iran's Ahmadinejad.In a word, this nation has moved mountains in order to obtain the freedom of three typically ungrateful, brain-dead, Berkeleyites.

Contrast: Tea Party Vs. Occupy Wall Street Pictures

In praise of 300,000 peaceful protesters in 350 locations  "In contrast to 15,000 at the Atlanta Tea Party rally, there were a few hundred at the Occupy Atlanta rally, which devolved into one of the weirdest side-shows in the history of American protest, with catatonic collective chanting and a refusal to allow Congressman John Lewis to talk to the crowd.
"In contrast to attacks on a national treasure (the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum) during the OccupyDC rally, the Tea Parties were peaceful. For a trip down memory lane, check out the Memeorandum page from April 15, 2009.
"Yet the Tea Parties were called an extremist fringe group, while the Occupy protesters are glorified."  William A. Jacobson   Emphasis angrily added. TD

PDS found Palin, Palin didn’t find PDS

Legal Insurrection  "Attacking Palin became an industry, and when she fought back she was blamed. The derangement started the day she was designated by John McCain as the VP nominee, and it continues to this day from small people like David Frum.
"Palin didn’t bring it on herself, but having found herself in the cross-hairs, she fought back. Good on her."

From 2008:  Palin Derangement Syndrome: Obama's Worst Enemy?  "What her detractors don't seem to realize is that in the process of insulting Palin, they are insulting the majority of the country. If being a self-made success story, a working mother, a church-going member of a small-town community, and a believer in moderate to conservative political viewpoints disqualifies Palin, what does that say about mainstream America? The inherent condescension at the heart of the anti-Palin campaign is coming across loud and clear and it may actually be boosting her popularity."   The Undefeated Trailer

Below: Todd and Sarah Palin Family Pictures: Photos with Children Trig, Piper, Willow, and Bristol

Gunwalker: Punch-Drunk Eric Holder Swings Back at Critics, Hits Self (Updated)

Pajamas Media  "Friday was just another day in a continuing series of bad days for the administration of President Barack Obama, as the furor surrounding the executive branch’s gun-walking scandal continues to escalate."....
"As part of his constant effort to impose gun control, Holder also tried to claim, as other Democrats have, that current laws are insufficient to stop weapons trafficking and that “penalties for straw purchasers are inadequate.”
"Someone should tell him about a long-running program called Don’t Lie For The Other Guy, a joint effort of his own ATF and the National Shooting Sports Foundation that reminds straw purchasers that buying a weapon for someone you know can’t legally get a gun could get you ten years in prison."

Cartoon: dancingczars

Update: Congressman Asks Holder to Resign Amid New Fast and Furious Details  "“As our nation’s top enforcer of the principles of law and justice, Mr. Holder has lost all credibility and should step down immediately,” Rep. Raúl Labrador said in a statement this afternoon."

Down with evil Corporations!

Hot Air "...the Daily Mail has a few other pictures of the prodigious amount of waste piling up at the occupation.  Like I said, I’ve been at a number of Tea Party events, and the one consistent quality of them is the respect for public property given by the attendees.  They leave the grounds cleaner than they found them in most cases, which probably comes from their reluctance to seize property that doesn’t belong to them."

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ten Lessons from Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  "The election of Barack Obama brought all sorts of contradictions. A man with about the least prior executive experience in presidential history was suddenly acclaimed a “god” and the smartest man ever to assume the office."
"In less than three years, however, the Obama administration has established a far different legacy from the one it promised, and the lessons of 2009–2011 will be with us for a long time:"

"A sadder but wiser electorate in 2012 simply won’t believe that any candidate — Democrat or Republican — can cool the planet or stop the seas from rising. Barack Obama taught us that — and a lot more besides."


The Meaning of ‘Occupy Wall Street.’ The Confusion on the Left and the Right

Ron Radosh   And those rough edges are there. Watch any of the video reports on MSNBC, which has virtually camped out there during its evening prime time coverage by the likes of Ed Schultz and the rest of its left-leaning team, and you will see a conglomeration of younger people in their 20s and 30s. There is also a strange amalgamation of leftover hippies from the ’60s and some who appear to be truly bizarre, as well as scores of extreme left radical groups from organizations as diverse as anarchists, members of the Industrial Workers of the World ...and, of course, an assortment of every remaining communist and socialist grouplet with their own signs and propaganda."

The "Occupy Wall Street Movement" Synthesizing With The Arab Spring?

"Is it any surprise that an effigy of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s bloody severed head on a pike was paraded around for protestors to cheer?"


Bosch Fawstin illustration
The Jerusalem Post  "US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s visit to Israel last week, Cohen said, was likely part of an American effort to ensure that Israel is not planning any unilateral military steps that would not be coordinated first with Washington.
"“The US wants itself, and also Israel, to be engaged in a thorough effort to contain Iran – like the way the Soviet Union was contained during the Cold War – meaning that for all practical purposes and short of extreme circumstances, both the US and Israel would have to put aside the military option and instead work to contain Iran,” Cohen said.
"“My gut sense is that something happened in recent weeks which was interpreted as if Israel had made clear that the military option is alive and kicking, and Panetta wanted to make sure that Israeli independent action will not happen,” he said."

And America- which elects leaders like Obama, Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich and the California legislature- will stand behind Israel and protect her?

The demagogue in the White House and his fellow travelers

White House feeds off protest anger  "But increasingly their targets are also those of the White House – what the movement calls “the 1 per cent” – wealthy Americans whose taxes Mr Obama wants to raise to pay for his programme to boost jobs.
"“I am more disappointed in the parties than I am in (Mr Obama),” said Mr Casey."

Now we see the influences of Bill Ayres and Rev Wright manifesting themselves in this White House. The class warfare and the distrust of the very economic engines that made America the driving force of the western world and of our prosperity. If you have a 401k that is helping you through tough times, places to shop with full shelves and a home full of conveniences, you have Wall Street and private enterprise to thank for that.
We spent this nation's blood and treasure for half of the Twentieth Century keeping Communism and socialism away from America and now, with the help of the entertainment industry and a socialist-leaning press, we have willingly invited it into our house. TD

The Occupy St. Louis protesters call independent journalist Adam Sharp a faggot and then threaten to beat his a$$.  "Of course, it was all caught on tape."

Local Residents, Businesses Want #OccupyWallSt to End  "Both Ms. Tzortzatos, owner of the Panini and Company Cafe, and Mr. Keane said the protesters rarely bought anything, yet hurled curses when they were told that only paying customers could use their bathrooms.
"Steve Zamfotis, manager of another nearby store, Steve’s Pizza, said: “They are pests. They go to the bathroom and don’t even buy a cup of coffee.”
"Mr. Zamfotis closed his bathroom after it repeatedly flooded from protesters’ bathing there."

Complaints arise on Wall Street protesters, dilemma of dealing with them

CBS News: The scene on the ground  "Almost no one at the protest seemed to have much positive to say about President Obama and the Democratic Party, which was described as only slightly less corrupt and focused on helping the rich than the GOP. They also had little positive to say about the "corporate media," which they said was unwilling to tell Americans the truth."

Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR
Raw sewer: An unidentified man seen defecates on a NYPD patrol car in downtown Manhattan

And these are the people who called the TEA Party protestors a mob? The very chutzpah of the left!

Wall Street and its Occupiers

‘Occupy Wall Street’ is ‘Attack upon Freedom’  "Labor unions, he said, are now joining the protest to “subvert that anger into a political power.” Their aim is to reelect a president whose “policies are just ignorant and incompetent” about the economy, he said.
"“This president and his administration have policies that are taking our freedom away,” Broun said. “They’re killing our economy, they’re killing jobs, they’re running them over offshore. We need to change all that. If we don’t, this economy is going to have a bigger crash than we did in the Great Depression.”
"“This election is going to mean whether we’re going to go down the tube financially,” he added."
Via Boortz here and below.

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Obama, Democrats Plan to Tie GOP to Wall Street "The burgeoning of populist protests in New York and other cities shows that resentment over the economy is growing, and Democratic strategists are moving aggressively to show that President Obama and his party are taking steps to solve the problem while Republicans are standing in the way." Also here. And Bill Ayers weighs in with his thoughts.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Argus Hamilton at The Patriot Post  "New York's Occupy Wall Street protesters argued among themselves about whether they should sew their own sleeping bags with winter coming or engage in capitalism and buy them. Also, they argued over whether to beg for food or buy donuts. It took two hours in the real world to convert the entire movement to supply-side economics."

White House Spokesman Calls the Tea Party a Mob  "White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in the briefing today."
"“I sense a little hypocrisy unbound here–what we’re seeing on the streets of New York is a an expression of democracy,” Cantor said. “I think I remember how Mr. cantor described protests of the tea party–I can’t understand how one man’s mob is another man’s democracy.”
"Cantor, of course, was an ardent supporter of the tea party, praising its protests and rabble-rousing."

Protesting for the problem they’re against    "The only people that are helped by government intervention are large companies and politicians. Small companies and consumers take the hit, consumers in paying higher prices and small companies by being pushed out of the market. It seems that the protesters are protesting for what they claim to be against. Economics and civics are complicated and the people funding these protests rely on those who join them to be too lazy or ignorant to understand either. For now it looks like they are right."