Monday, October 24, 2011

Citizen Media Show The True Nature Of Occupy Chicago

Big Journalism  "Like the rest of the large cities in the US, Chicago is currently suffering from small pockets of Occupy protesters and their ever-present signs. Like with every other big city these signs are often misspelled, sometimes profane, commonly anti-capitalist, occasionally anti-Semitic, almost always anti-American, not to mention merely ignorant of the facts. But one thing that is the same in every protest, at least in the media reportage of same, is that the worst of the signs go unseen by the general American news consumer.
"Chicago blogger John Ruberry took his trusty camera downtown to the Windy City and captured some pretty representative signs the like of which were similar signs seen at Tea Party events would have made the nightly news programs for their outrageous messages."

The attack on Judge Bork- the end of any trace of civility in political discourse

Judge Robert Bork
The Bork Nomination, 24 Years On  "Perhaps the most disgusting of all those disgusting performances was committed by one of America’s most disgusting families, the Kennedys. The day Robert Bork was nominated, Senator Ted Kennedy rose in the Senate and said this:
Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit down at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of democracy.
The NY Times article cited in the above: The Ugliness Started With Bork  "The anger between Democrats and Republicans, the unwillingness to work together, the profound mistrust — the line from Bork to today’s ugly politics is a straight one."

Carry On Borking, Say Libs "You can see that in the contrast between the Tea Party and the Occupy movement. Tea Party activists know they have always to be on their best behavior, because at any moment they could be accused of sexism, racism or incivility. The Occupy folks are much less guarded; they are free to hate anyone they choose, from Jews to bankers. The whole point of community organizing is to organize hate.
"This country needs a satiric movie, "Carry On Borking," to make fun of all the liberal haters. It could feature all the liberal stereotypes: the community organizer, the eco-terrorist, the ACORN rent-a-mob, the pro-choice termagant, maybe even the crony capitalist. "

How safe is America under the Democrats?

From the party whose record on this goes as far back as supporting slavery in the War Between the States and giving up the fight to end secession on to today's anti-American surrender of everything.
The Democrats knew a decade of relative heroism in the 1940's up to the moment they gave away Eastern Europe to Stalin, but they are not that party anymore. Back then they were hoodwinked by the Reds; now they are in bed with them. TD

Heritage: Obama’s Iraq Failure "To hear President Barack Obama describe the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, you’d think it was a long-anticipated political victory, the fruition of a promise he made when campaigning for the White House. But his announcement last week that American troops in Iraq will return by the end of the year is a result of a serious Obama Administration failure that will undermine U.S. security interests in the Middle East."

Barry Rubin: Obama’s Foreign Policy: Manchurian Candidate or Keystone Kop?  "...I am often asked whether I believe this situation is caused by a deliberate, conscious effort to destroy U.S. interests, subvert Israel’s existence, and promote anti-American Islamists on the part of the president and his closest colleagues.
"No, I answer, it is the result of ignorance, incompetence, and a ridiculous ideological approach that has nothing to do with reality. But, I add, it certainly says something that the policy is so bad that it makes people think that deliberate treason is a credible."
...."But as George Orwell — who understood these things — once said, some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual will believe them."With all due respect to Mr. Obama, of course.

Politics Trumps Security in Obama’s Bungled Troop Negotiations with Iraq  "Last month, 42 conservative foreign policy experts wrote an open letter to President Obama expressing strong concern over the course of the negotiations. Given the ignominious collapse of the negotiations, there are sure to be more letters and scathing commentaries as the debate over Iraq heats up in the run-up to the presidential elections."

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a ‘disaster’   "“They have virtually no capability for external defense to protect their borders from bad actors in the region,” he said.
"“They don’t have the intelligence. They certainly don’t have the hardware — tanks, mechanized infantry vehicles. Let’s posit an attack from Iran. They have neither the air support nor the ability to stand and fight at their border. The Iranian army has capacity this Iraqi army does not yet have.” "

This Tony Branco cartoon is being repeated here:

John W. Lillpop: What Foreign Policy Successes?  "To test the objectivity of the mainstream media when it comes to Barack Obama and his Libyan “success,” one should answer this question: What if George W. Bush had taken similar steps in another part of the world while in office?
"The howls for W.’s blood would still be reverberating through the halls of Congress and in the news rooms of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC!"

Victor Davis Hanson: Rage On—and on and on…

Victor Davis Hanson  "On a wider political level, there is a growing realization that today’s brand of liberalism is really a form of slow societal suicide. We see red states recovering from recession; blue states are still broke. Greece is a mess; so is the entire anti-democratic, statist, and redistributive EU. Keynesian economics is about as dead as global warming/climate change/climate chaos in the age of Climategate, Al Gore, Inc., and a planet cooling over the last decade.
"The old idea of open borders is also over. The notion is discredited that teaching new arrivals multiculturalism and ethnic chauvinism, providing them massive subsidies, and ignoring federal statutes was both more humane and more efficacious than the old melting pot of our youth. Solyndra was the epitaph of the lie of “millions of green jobs.” Obama will never utter that now bankrupt phrase again. “Green” means millions of dollars in printed federal money for each job produced, but even far more millions to crony capitalists who hid their malfeasance with hope and change sloganeering."

Lets hope Mr. Hanson is not being overly optimistic, but I do hope he is right. How many leftists have you heard from who seem even a bit embarrassed by this great liberal movement called the Obama-run government?
This regime has been a parody of all things "progressive". TD

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Former Polish President Won’t Attend #OccupyWallStreet After Citizen Journalists Expose Its Radical Roots

Big Journalism   "Nothing better underscores the importance of a “free press” than this incident; if liberty is to once again flourish in America and elsewhere, it must be protected at all costs. Without the vigilance of regular people involved in this fight working to spread accurate news (that the mainstream media simply ignores its obligation to), Walesa would not have been properly informed on the current situation. The result of this ineptitude of the mainstream media is that this leader and champion of freedom could have made an unfortunate–and possibly embarrassing–decision to lend support to a movement that stands in direct opposition to everything for which he has fought."

Communist Marching with #OccupyChicago Identified as OFA Organizer for President Obama   "Thanks to a reader tip, we have identified the three individuals in the march who we interviewed. In the photo below starting on the left is James Raines, a University of Memphis teacher (from reader tip), next to his right is Jordan Farrar (Young Communist League & Organizing for America), and next to him is Gabe Niechcial, another young communist."
"..Farrar, seen in the white C.P. USA shirt, is not only a Young Communist League leader, but he is also a member of Barack Obama’s Organizing for America and he organized a rally in 2009 for OFA to support President Obama’s health care bill."  More...

What Did The President Know...

deviantART  "Many Mexican politicians responded angrily when the existence of the program became known in March, with several saying it amounted to a breach of Mexican sovereignty. But much of that anger has subsided, possibly in the interest of not aggravating the bilateral relationship. For Mexico, the gun problem goes far beyond the Fast and Furious program. Of weapons used in crimes and traced, more than 75 percent come from the U.S.
""Yes it was bad and wrong, and you have to ask yourself, what were they thinking?" a senior official in Calderon's administration said, referring to Fast and Furious. "But, given the river of weapons that flows into Mexico from the U.S., do a few more make a big difference?"
"Still, Mexican leaders are under pressure to answer questions from their citizens, with very little to go on.
" "The evidence is over there (north of the border)," Morales said. "I can't put a pistol to their heads and say, 'Now give it to me or else.' I can't." "

Democrats Court the Wall Street Protesters

Karl Rove   The strategy risks alienating independents and blue-collar voters.
"Rushing to identify with Occupy Wall Street could well threaten Mr. Obama's re-election by putting off the very swing voters whom the president needs. It could further diminish the president's support from center-left business leaders, already sick of Mr. Obama's class warfare and faux populism. Appearing to condone the crude personal behavior of Occupy Wall Street protestors can also further erode Mr. Obama's standing with culturally conservative blue-collar voters.
"Before they go much further with this courtship, the president and other Democrats need to remember it's always dangerous to associate with people who are just plain kooky."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

24 years ago today, Borking was born

Legal Insurrection  "24 years ago a new term was coined, “borking” or “to bork.” It is a tactic in which Democrats still revel, except when they feel they are on the receiving end at which point they cry foul."
   "I’ll take it one step further. The Bork fight, in some ways, was the beginning of the end of civil discourse in politics. For years afterward, conservatives seethed at the “systematic demonization” of Bork…. The anger between Democrats and Republicans, the unwillingness to work together, the profound mistrust — the line from Bork to today’s ugly politics is a straight one."

Ladies' Halloween costumes

Obama throws a decade of accomplishment in Iraq into the dumpster

What a terrible surrender of the leverage the US had with its presence in the Middle East as a counterweight to Iran. This pullout leaves Iran as the premier power in that area and one that has stated its murderous intentions toward Israel and the West, all to satisfy the leftist base of the Democrat Party.
The Democrats have a history of this going back a century and a half. They were not against slavery in the mid-1800's and were actively campaigning to stop the war and recognize the Confederacy as a separate slave-holding nation; all after thousands of men had died in trying to keep this nation united.
As it was with McGovern in the 1960's and on to the pro-Palestinian leftists today, this world will be a much more dangerous place when run to the satisfaction of "progressives".
We might as well have elected Bill Ayers or Rev. Wright to be our president. TD

US pullback to leave 30,000 Iranian Al Qods fighters sitting in Iraq  "The eight-year US military presence in Iraq ends therefore leaving Iran sitting pretty on its two key strategic goals:
1. The exit of American soldiers, whose presence in Iraq since the 2003 invasion was deemed in Tehran a continuous threat to its borders. US military involvement in Afghanistan is seen in the same light.
Qassem Soleimani
2. A weak Shiite-led government in place in Baghdad, heavily dependent on Tehran's will. Torn by strife among Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, Iraq is in no state to obstruct Iran's hegemonic plans for the Persian Gulf and Syria.
"The Iranian regime's right hand for achieving those goals was – and is - Al Qods commander Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the man also accused by Washington of masterminding the assassination plot." More...
...."They will stand eyeball to eyeball with a like number of al Qods operatives defending the pro-Iranian Iraqi government. It is on this jarring note that America is about to end its war in Iraq."
Emphasis added.

William Kristol:  It’s time for the United States to speak to Iran in the language it understands
"So we can stop talking. Instead, we can follow the rat lines in Iraq and Afghanistan back to their sources, and destroy them. We can strike at the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and weaken them. And we can hit the regime’s nuclear weapons program, and set it back. Lest the administration hesitate to act out of fear of lack of support at home, Congress should consider authorizing the use of force against Iranian entities that facilitate attacks on our troops, against IRGC and other regime elements that sponsor terror, and against the regime’s nuclear weapons program." The Foreign Policy Initiative.

Max Boot: The Iraq Withdrawal Is Nothing to Brag About  "And any such agreement would run into the same obstacle that has already scuttled the current U.S.-Iraq talks: President Obama appears more determined to gain credit for “ending the war” than for ensuring Iraq’s long-term future as a democratic American ally. Like Obama’s decision to downsize prematurely in Afghanistan, this is short-term thinking that could come back to haunt the United States–and its commander-in-chief, who is now taking upon himself the burden of blame should Iraq go off the rails."  Via Blackfive, which adds its own perspective.

Remember, however, that the Obama base is the Occupy Wall Street crowd and the socialist left. They neither know nor care what happens to peaceful people of the world; they only seek the approval of the murderers of innocents.
Obama's base drive up in their cars with the "Visualize World Peace" bumper stickers and rallies for those who would murder innocent families asleep in their beds or dining in restaurants.

From The Institute for the Study of War:  Retreating With Our Heads Held High  "And [Obama] promised: “make no mistake, [U.S. force levels in Afghanistan] will continue to go down.” Gone is any language about conditions, objectives, goals, American interests, or any of the fundamental principles that Americans have fought so hard to achieve in these wars and throughout our history. American strategy is simply to go home."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
American Thinker: Obama's 'tide of war' idiocy  "The tide of war in the Middle East is most certainly not receding. It is exactly the opposite and this is in large part because of Obama's feckless foreign policy and refusal to stand up for American interests in the region and support American allies there. Because of American weakness and intransigence, a large-scale conflagration involving many players is inevitable and this has to be placed on Obama's shoulders."  Jerry Philipson

Liberate Wall Street: Infiltrate and Humiliate!

The People's Cube

Read the Liberators' Facebook statement:
As you all may have seen over the last number of weeks, the seditious Left is attempting to strike at the heart of Capitalism itself - Wall Street! We can no longer stand idly by while these radicals attempt to collapse our free market system. Using the left's own playbook - Rules For Radicals, we will "Infiltrate and Humiliate" the Marxist hoards(sic).
We will NOT reveal ourselves. We will NOT have a website. We will not have any visible leaders. Our goal is to humiliate and embarrass. We will sow the seeds of paranoia and doubt among the left. We will expose them for the fools they are. Our plan is simple: Infiltrate and Humiliate. 
Liberate Wall Street : "...a loose coalition of the willing to mock, satirize, and expose the leftist absurdities of the Wall Street Occupussies."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reflections on the Iranian Assassination Plot

STRATFOR  "While there is concern over security on the southern U.S. border, past plots involving foreign terrorist operatives traveling to the United States have either involved direct travel to the United States or travel from Canada. There is simply no empirical evidence to support the idea that the Mexican border is more likely to be used by terrorist operatives than other points of entry."  Read more: Reflections on the Iranian Assassination Plot
STRATFOR Reflections on the Iranian Assassination Plot is republished with permission of STRATFOR.