Iraq War Veteran Injured at #OWS Oakland Founder of IHateTheMarineCorps.Com "But I ran across something this evening that may add a new dimension to this story. It has been widely reported that Olsen is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. But apparently his opposition to the U.S. military and the Marine Corps in which he served runs a little deeper.
"The site is no longer live, but Olsen was the founder of, a private user forum apparently dedicated to bashing the Marine Corps."
The real intent of the Occupy Wall Street movement reveals it’s head again. Too many misspellings to choose a pullout quote,
Jason Pappas: Phony Downtrodden in Zuccotti Park "Perhaps the occupation will be taken over by real poor. "Organizers took other steps to police the squatters, who they said were lured in from other parks with the promise of free meals." Aren't the OWS people squatters? When did Zuccotti Park become theirs? How can they reject the homeless as squatters on land that isn't even theirs? "
"The site is no longer live, but Olsen was the founder of, a private user forum apparently dedicated to bashing the Marine Corps."
The real intent of the Occupy Wall Street movement reveals it’s head again. Too many misspellings to choose a pullout quote,
From Freedom Fighter's Journal: OWS CHICAGO LED BY TERRORISTS (DIDN'T WE ALWAYS KNOW?) "They were lead by radical anti-war activists Joe Iosbaker and Andy Thayer, who we have reported on in the past for their ongoing investigations by the FBI. In September of 2010 they were targeted for suspicion of providing material support to Hamas, the F.A.R.C. and other terrorist organizations."
Powerline: Epistle to the Occupations "Millionaire Marxist Michael Moore was traumatized by questions addressed to him on CNN concerning his wealth. It doesn’t take much to reduce him to incoherence. Even with time to collect his thoughts, he is not entirely capable of lucidity."
It Begins… #OWS Goon Threatens to Stab Local FOX 5 Reporter "“This is somebody I’ve come across several times for the last few days. He threatened to stab me in the throat with a pen. He ripped the mic out of my hand,” said Huddy."
M Catharine Evans: Richmond Occupiers Haven't Paid Squat "The First Amendment prohibits the government from treating assemblers differently based on their particular message. In short, no one gets a pass just because a mayor, a police commissioner or any other local authority figure sympathizes with the assembly's cause.
"Every informed law-abiding citizen has to keep the pressure on exposing the hypocrisy of the Left. Tea parties across the country would do well to follow Richmond's lead."Jason Pappas: Phony Downtrodden in Zuccotti Park "Perhaps the occupation will be taken over by real poor. "Organizers took other steps to police the squatters, who they said were lured in from other parks with the promise of free meals." Aren't the OWS people squatters? When did Zuccotti Park become theirs? How can they reject the homeless as squatters on land that isn't even theirs? "
Jonah Goldberg: OWS Needs a Republican President; It’s tough to have a revolution while supporting the status quo. ...."Because Obama is the most divisive figure in American politics today.
"I suspect that sentence reads funny to some people because in the mainstream press, “divisive” is usually a term reserved for “conservatives we disagree with.” But as a factual matter it can apply to anybody who is, well, divisive.
"Obviously, Obama divides the right and left. That’s not all that interesting or relevant (even if it does represent a failure to live up to his “one America” rhetoric from 2008)."....
"Obviously, Obama divides the right and left. That’s not all that interesting or relevant (even if it does represent a failure to live up to his “one America” rhetoric from 2008)."....