Update from American Thinker: Operation Vast and Obvious "Was that an attempt to brainwash the American public into acceptance of more restrictive gun laws? Was the whole Fast & Furious program the basis upon which to build such a anti-gun, brainwashing campaign? Watch the video; it's obvious that the man who wields such vast power now certainly has no hesitation about using the tactic of brainwashing to accomplish his goals.
Breitbart TV "Breitbart.com has uncovered video from 1995 of then-U.S. Attorney Eric Holder announcing a public campaign to "really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."
"The more we learn, the more we understand that the scope and real purpose of Operation Fast & Furious is vast and obvious."
Breitbart TV "Breitbart.com has uncovered video from 1995 of then-U.S. Attorney Eric Holder announcing a public campaign to "really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."
"Holder added that he had asked advertising agencies in the nation's capital to assist by making anti-gun ads rather than commercials "that make me buy things that I don't really need." He had also approached local newspapers and television stations, he said, asking them to devote prime space and time, respectively, to his anti-gun campaign."