Nice Deb
"America elected a lying, duplicitous, radical community organizer bent on transforming the nation from a free Democratic Republic into something at best resembling a European style Socialist state – at worst a Soviet satellite. The media gatekeepers continue to protect him from scrutiny, the Republican establishment is afraid to confront it because they don’t want to upset the mushy middle – it’s up to the right-ring blogosphere, once again – to get the story out."
Many links on the subject included here, followed by the following:
[Retired United States Postal Worker Allen Hulton]'s "testimony states Mary and Tom Ayers (Parents of Bill ”I don’t regret setting bombs” Ayers) were sponsoring Barack Obama as a foreign student, and financially supporting his education.
"This is a huge revelation on not one, but two separate fronts.
"Bill Ayers of dubious “Weatherman” fame, was not just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood”, as then candidate Obama brushed aside. The video linked here comes from a televised DNC Debate in the summer of 2008. As Hillary Clinton revealed then, Obama served in a paid position on the Woods Foundation with Bill Ayers and the two were involved in several projects dispersing millions of dollars over several years.
"Realistically, the Ayers family could be said to have adopted Barack Obama, if not as a son then certainly as a kindred Marxist spirit, and treated him to one of the finest educations possible.
"There is little doubt Mr. Obama has been less than honest with regard to the Ayers family and their significance in his life.
"As disingenuous as this is, it is by no means the most important revelation."
"As disingenuous as this is, it is by no means the most important revelation."