Ann Coulter "Alas, we still have Rick Santorum saying Obamacare is the same as what he calls "Romneycare"; the otherwise brilliant Mickey Kaus sniffing that if states can mandate insurance purchases, then we're "not talking about some basic individual liberty to not purchase stuff" (no, just the nation's founding document, which protects "basic individual liberties" by putting constraints on Congress); and the former law professor, Barack Obama, alleging that a "good example" of judicial activism would be the Supreme Court (in his words, "a group of people") overturning "a duly constituted and passed law."
"In short, he is simply lying."
"I don't know how a court could overturn a law that hasn't been "passed." Otherwise, it wouldn't be a law, it would be a bill. If it hasn't even been "constituted," it wouldn't be anything at all.
"Of course the courts can overturn laws -- constituted and passed alike! If anything, the Supreme Court isn't striking down enough laws.
....What liberals figured out -- and were mendacious enough to exploit -- is that there is no obvious recourse for the other branches if the Supreme Court issues an insane ruling. So, beginning in the 1960s, liberals on the court started issuing insane rulings on a regular basis."...
Thomas Sowell: Political Word Games "Nor is it likely that Barack Obama has never heard of it. He has a degree from Harvard Law School and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. In what must be one of the most famous Supreme Court cases in history
Marbury v. Madison - in 1803 -Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle that the Supreme Court can declare acts of Congress null and void if these acts violate the Constitution.
They have been doing so for more than two centuries. It is the foundation of American constitutional law. There is no way that Barack Obama has never heard of it or really believes it to be “unprecedented” after two centuries of countless precedents.
...."But what is the Constitution’s Bill of Rights supposed to protect the ordinary citizen from? Government institutions! If judges are to defer to the very institutions that the Bill of Rights tries to protect the citizen from, what is the point of having a Bill of Rights?"*
...."Obama’s lies are just as big but not as visible, and the media that exposed Nixon is covering for Obama." (Emphasis added)
Former Obama Con Law Student Embarassed by His Former Teacher’s Ignorance Ironically, that same student now clerks for this judge. More on Judge Jerry Smith here
* Just wanted to make sure you saw this.
who states that "O's own mouth may be the author of his eventual demise."
'What a Bully President Obama Has Suddenly Become,' Says SC Gov. "The man who took office on a promise of 'hope and change' is now bullying people to get his way, Haley told Fox & Friends. "He's bullying his way on Paul Ryan, saying he's not coming up with an adequate budget. Now he's bullying the Supreme Court, saying no, they won't reverse (the health care law) --they won't go against us on this."
Volokh Conspiracy: Impeach John Roberts? " Professor David Dow of the University of Houston argues that Supreme Court justices should be impeached if the individual mandate is struck down because “Supreme Court justices who undermine the principles of the Constitution ought to be impeached.” " Much comment and background at this site.
Rush Limbaugh: Ryan Reacts to Obama's Demagoguery Paul Ryan takes each point made by Obama and rebuts it. "I don't even really know how to describe all of this stuff, but I think he's just getting sort of desperate and demagogic. And it's just part and parcel of the kind of campaign I think we're gonna expect this fall."