Friday, April 13, 2012

Catholic bishops issue 'call to action' on religious freedom

The Hill   ""We need … to speak frankly with each other when our freedoms are threatened. Now is such a time," the document says. "As Catholic bishops and American citizens, we address an urgent summons to our fellow Catholics and fellow Americans to be on guard, for religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad.""....
"The church leadership's relationship with the Obama administration hit new lows after the administration announced in January that employers would have to offer birth control without co-pays under President Obama's healthcare reform law.
But the ACLU takes issue on this and this is their position:
"....we do not believe that any religious institution has the right to use religion as an excuse to discriminate or deny services to the public, and certainly should not expect to receive government funds to do so," the ACLU said in a statement."
So anything, anything at all the government says must be provided MUST be provided or you will be accused of denying it. Yet contraceptives are not being denied; they are easily available over the drug store counter.
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

Mona Charen: You Pay for Warren Buffett’s Medicare   "....Democrats nearly always argue that the pre-Obamacare health system was a “free market” system that failed.

"On the contrary, the pre-Obamacare health system was already badly distorted by government. The open-ended Medicare entitlement, which pays for every medical expense incurred by the elderly without regard to income, is an invitation to overuse. Consumers have no incentive to shop for value, and thus have no idea what the care they receive costs. Medicaid is even worse."   Via NRO

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Alan Caruba: Karl Marx Preached "Fairness" Too

Warning Signs   "By framing the tax debate in terms of fairness and attacking Mitt Romney’s wealth, President Obama is pandering to his greatest constituency—the stupid among us. He was elected on the basis of a lot of gauzy, vague promises of hope and change, and with the adoring support of the mainstream media."
 "The federal government is broke. The states are broke. And with the advent of $4 and $5 gas pump prices—thanks to Obama’s anti-energy policies—the rest of us are getting more broke. 
"President Obama’s blather about “fairness” is straight out of Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital” and the Communist Manifesto with their emphasis the redistribution of wealth and the end of private property."

Democrats on the attack

Democratic operative criticizes Ann Romney for having 'never worked a day in her life' (updated)    " And Ann Romney raised five boys to boot, while dealing with her own serious physical ailments. 
"So who is Hilary Rosen, besides being a professional partisan who rendered her judgment on the absence of work in the life of all stay-at-home moms while being interviewed by Anderson Cooper on a partisan "news" network, CNN?"
"Rosen does know a little about raising children. She, and her partner, Elizabeth Birch, did, for a while, jointly parent twins - a boy and a girl.  But then they separated in 2006.  (BTW, Birch "chaired the board of directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force from 1992-1994."

Barack Obama Flashback: “Lay Off My Wife!” 
"But, of course, it’s OK for his close advisers to attack conservative women.
…Especially when they’re stay at home mothers."
Karl Rove: Obama's Campaign Will Take the Low Road  "Among Mr. Obama's more appealing 2008 campaign lines were his pledge not "to pit Red America against Blue America" and his promise to "resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long."

"Mr. Obama gave into that temptation the moment he was inaugurated. His harsh attacks, angry misrepresentations and outright falsehoods are light years away from the message of unity and post-partisanship that propelled him into the Oval Office."

Maine Democrat Says Dick Cheney Should Be Executed… "“Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams,” a reference to technology that would allow Kruger to watch the proposed execution of the former Vice President of the United States."
Please refer to my letter of resignation from the Democrat Party in the sidebar on the right.
I can no longer see how decent people of conscience can continue to affiliate with this party and it's advocacy of violence, personal attacks and race-baiting in order to stay in power. TD

Networks Obsessed with Labeling Romney Mormon  "The May 2011, Pew poll said 64 percent of white evangelicals viewed a candidate's Mormonism as inconsequential or even as a positive. The truth is, the only ones who believe Romney’s religion worth discussion are liberal reporters themselves."

More on the Ann Romney brouhaha

These are all very good Professor Jacobson, but Vodkapundit found the best one of the day:
The woman who “never worked a day in her life” just won a media war with a career political communication “expert.”

 I think Michelle Malkin has it right: The attack on Ann Romney helped push doubting conservatives into his camp.

Pundit and Pundette: Hilary Rosen's failed attack on Ann Romney

OBAMA WON'T QUESTION HIS OPPONENT'S PATRIOTISM LIKE HE DID MCCAIN'S   "The claim stands in stark contrast to Obama's questioning of John McCain, who spent years in a Hanoi POW camp, for, in Obama's view, McCain's lack of patriotism."

Twitter lynch mob predicts riot if Zimmerman is acquitted (Updated)

Twitchy  One tweet from 

@itsJuiceeBitch reads:
So who's ready for a riot when Zimmerman is found not guilty?!  unite!

The Buffet Rule and the Obamanomony in pictures

Liberal Columnist: Yeah, the Buffett Rule is Kind of a Joke  "That headline isn't exactly a bulletin to Townhall denizens, of course, but it's nice to see the liberal "fairness" crack-up continuing apace.  The latest dissenter is Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, who isn't especially impressed with the White House's shameless "gimmickry" on an issue that will accomplish virtually nothing -- in the best case scenario:"

American Thinker: Buffett Rule   "If Buffett and President Obama were serious about realizing  significant increases in tax revenue  from the rich he would advocate eliminating tax free income above predetermined income levels. How do you think that would be received in municipal city halls or state capitols?" ....

A big factor in the November election: race hustlers and anger

How will America ever heal itself of the damage done to our society by this demagogue in the White House and his minions across the country? We can vote him out, but the scars he leaves will last. TD

Walter E. Williams:  Media Dishonesty and Race Hustlers  "Have we heard Obama make a statement about this carnage or that most homicide victims are black and that their murderers are black? No, and we won't, because black-on-black crime, like black-on-white crime, does not fit the liberal narrative of the continuing problem of white racism."

Star Parker: Republican Challenge With Blacks and Hispanics  "Seventy two percent of black babies and 53 percent of Hispanic babies are now born out of wedlock. Yet both blacks and Hispanics attend church more frequently than the national average.
"Efforts must be expended to reach black and Hispanic clergy and community leaders to raise awareness how big government and moral relativism six days a week overwhelms the message heard from the pulpit on Sunday.
"Single parent homes are a ticket to poverty. This is a message that can save our country."
Although many blacks are jumping ship on Obama, too many continue to support this tragic presidency. Why?  Because so called black leaders continue to prop Obama up by stirring racial and social hatred; continuing their appeal to the victim status for blacks. No one does it better, today, than the good ole Rev. Al Sharpton. If Obama should win re-election he will have Al and poorly informed blacks to thank. The irony of it all is that if Obama gains re-election, blacks will then and perhaps only then, discover how they’ve been used and abused by this administration and its minions like Sharpton.
After giving us the above introduction to Sharpton, BQI includes these words from Lloyd Marcus:  
 Arrogantly usurping authority to speak on behalf of black America, the left has yelled, Give us Al Sharpton! Why has MSNBC, the mainstream media and president Obama appointed this despicable man spokesperson for black America? There are numerous honorable blacks in the national arena.Sharpton was selected by the left as black America’s mouthpiece because his political agenda is in solidarity with their hate America Progressive movement....
Victor Davis Hanson: Campaigning on Grievances  "If Obama can cobble together disaffected young people, greens, women, minorities, and the poor — who all believe some nefarious “they” have crushed their dreams — then massive debt and deficits, high unemployment, sluggish growth, and spiraling gas prices won’t decide the election.

"Lots of presidential candidates have run by identifying such enemies of the people, rather than debating the general state of the nation — sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
"But the problem with an us/them strategy is not just winning an election, but trying to put back together what was torn asunder."

(Emphasis added.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

George Zimmerman charged

If you saw the smiling face on special prosecutor Angela Corey as she announced Zimmerman's being charged, you would not hold out much hope for him. She appeared positively gleeful, I suppose because she has pleased those who made the most violent threats about revenge in the streets. I'm sure Rodney King came to her mind. TD

Photo from sodahead
Thomas Lifson: George Zimmerman to be charged with second degree murder  "The case now will become another "trial of the century" in the media, but will ultimastely be decided by a jury based on the evidence. If, that is, the jury pool has not already been poisoned by media malpractice."

Hot Air: Zimmerman arrested, charged with 2nd-degree murder "Manslaughter would have been another option, so it’s interesting that she went with murder two.  I assume that this means the prosecution believes they can prove that Zimmerman pursued Martin and shot him, but we’ll know more when the preliminary hearing comes."

Legal InsurrectionSpecial Prosecutor Press Conference   ""I saw on Twitter that the Martin family held a press conference with Al Sharpton by their side, but I didn’t get to see it.  Although Zimmerman now is charged, and the case is in the courts, I expect the Martin family attorneys, Sharpton, and others continue to work the case in the media from a racial angle and to inflame passions in the community as a means of tainting the jury pool.
"For the prosecutor to embrace the Martin family attorneys with thanks at the press conference, and for AG Eric Holder verbally to praise Sharpton today, tells me that a case which should be about facts of who did what to whom is going to turn into an even bigger racial narrative for a variety of purposes which have nothing to do with the guilt or innocence of the accused.""

RACE WAR! Democrat La Raza President: Blacks, Hispanics Should Team Up ‘To Attack Common Enemies’  "Al Sharpton Show Promotes Race War– La Raza President Janet Murguia used Wednesday’s Al Sharpton radio show to spew the latest round of racial hatred. Murgola called on blacks and Hispanics to team up against the common enemy (whitey).
It’s more of that hope-and-change we were promised."
From the comments to the above post:
From LaRaza’s perspective, the enemy would be all non-socialists and non-communists. LaRaza is like NOW — they will only defend Far Left folk. Their absence in the Zimmerman case clearly demonstrates this.
From Sweetness and Light: Democrats ‘Celebrate’ Zimmerman Charges   "Lest we forget, Mr. Rush was the ‘Secretary Of Defense’ for the first Black Panthers. Who, in fact, regularly killed people because of the color of their skin."

Black Quill and Ink looks at one of the roots of the reaction to Zimmerman.

Meanwhile, those whom the prosecutor is so happy to have pleased hold others in terror: Elderly Couple In Fear Over Spike Lee Tweet.

Ann Coulter: Fighting the last war

Ann Coulter  "For the first time, the last cycle's conservative has been rebranded a "liberal" by right-wingers eager to resume their battle against liberal Republicans. This year's actual liberal Republican, much admired by the Non-Fox Media, was Jon Huntsman. But he dropped out after the New Hampshire primary. 
"Mitt Romney isn't a liberal. He isn't even a moderate. And he certainly isn't liked by the Times." 
"John McCain was worshipped by the liberal media, was the author of the unconstitutional campaign finance law and a global warming bill, adamantly supported amnesty for illegal aliens, opposed the Bush tax cuts as "tax cuts for the rich," wanted to shut down Guantanamo, called waterboarding "torture" and viciously attacked Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson as "agents of intolerance" (and then immediately faxed that speech to The New York Times). 
"And he was from a conservative state! Where were you people four years ago when we were running him?"

An Open Letter to President Obama

Suzanne Venker  "You’re wasting valuable time and money, Mr. President. There will never be male-female pay parity so long as most women spend part of their lives caring for their children. And thank God they do.
"The proper role of government is to provide equal opportunity, not preferential treatment. In America, each of us is paid a compromise between what we want and what someone is willing to pay. Those millions of decisions add up to what we call the private-enterprise system."
More by Suzanne Venker here.

Obama, the Great Racial Healer

Beltway Confidential: Holder quotes MLK at Sharpton's Trayvon rally    "If we find evidence of a potential federal criminal civil rights crime, we will take appropriate action," Holder added. "And, at every step, the facts and the law will guide us forward," he added
Via Weasel Zippers which commented: "In other words, Holder will charge Zimmerman if Florida’s special prosecutor fails to do so"....."Never thought I’d see the day where the U.S. Attorney General would be kissing Al “Punk Faggot” Sharpton’s ring."

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
No Attention for Daylight Highway Stabbing in Alabama   "Boyd tells me he contacted the crime beat reporter at the Birmingham News and told her about his story. “Not newsworthy,” was her response. Boyd also tells me that law enforcement officials told Boyd they “don’t mess with the Outcasts of Alabama.”  Comforting."
...."It is precarious when the law, and attention from the media, are so out of balance. When state law enforcement officials flinch from prosecutions of the black Outcasts of Alabama, and national media organizations ignore some violence while elevating other incidents to month-long stories, the rule of law suffers."
...."UPDATE:  The Birmingham News now finds the story newsworthy, about 7 hours after PJ Media first published the story, and at least a week after the Birmingham News, didn’t."
More here: Police to White Victim: We 'Don't Mess' with Black Gang  "...Second, Eric Holder's DOJ won't be getting involved like it has in the Trayvon Martin Case.  And, lastly, we can be sure that Barack Obama won't get on his soapbox and accuse the Adamsville police of acting stupidly."

Wisconsin town tagged with Trayvon Martin-related vandalism  "On April 3, residents in the 10200 block of Scepter Circle reported that someone had taped a black and white photo of Trayvon Martin, with the word "Revenge" in red, to several mailboxes.
"In a separate incident, a resident in the 10200 block of West St. Martins Road reported two stickers were placed on his mailbox, one with a picture of Trayvon Martin with "Revenge" written in red, the other was a fist that said "Kill Whitey." "

 Dennis Prager:  The Left needs to position America as a racist country to sustain its political success.  "Black Africans know this. That is why so many seek to live in the United States. Decades ago, the number of black Africans who had immigrated to the United States had already surpassed the number of black Africans who were forcibly shipped to America as slaves.

"Members of other races and nationalities know this. Even Muslim and Arab writers have noted that nowhere in the Arab or larger Muslim world does an Arab or any other Muslim have the individual rights, liberty, and dignity that a Muslim living in America has. As for Latinos and Asians, vast numbers of them from El Salvador to Korea regard America as the land of opportunity."

We see the real Obama when he strays from the teleprompter (Which we can see in this picture).

Victor Davis Hanson
"Yet here lies another paradox: His lack of judgment is not evident on the teleprompter, but is only fully illustrated when he is off it and his more extreme ideas are candidly expressed."
...."Obama felt impulsively that he must editorialize that the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords teaches us about the need for civility in public discourse — without much worry that soon those words could come back to haunt him. They surely did when labor leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr., in Obama’s presence, appeared to threaten violence, with the promise, “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” "

Getting It Right Next Time/ How conservatives can overcome their losing record in Republican presidential primaries.

The American Spectator  "It's a familiar ending. Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and John McCain all beat back conservative insurgents to win the Republican nomination. Only the elder Bush went on to win the White House, and then only once. Had New Hampshire independents not swooned for McCain in 2000, George W. Bush would have found himself quelling a conservative insurrection led by Steve Forbes."...
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Santorum had many disadvantages: he was a Northeastern Catholic most popular with Southern evangelicals (with Newt Gingrich still in the race), an ex-senator who hadn't won an election in twelve years, an underfunded candidate who was vulnerable to being outspent 4 or 5-1, the leader of a campaign organization more appropriate for his previous status as an asterisk candidate."
Britt Hume commented on Santorum in Tuesday's Fox News Special Report