Bloomberg; GOP on health care: Repeal quickly, replace slowly "Once the Supreme Court issues a ruling, "the goal is to repeal anything that is left standing," said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., a member of the party's leadership.
"Beyond that, "we ought to go step by step to lower the cost" of health care, he added, a formula repeated by numerous other Republicans interviewed in recent days."
"Beyond that, "we ought to go step by step to lower the cost" of health care, he added, a formula repeated by numerous other Republicans interviewed in recent days."
Forbes; President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History "...regarding the President’s rhetorical strategy that I’ve have been calling Calculated Deception. The latter is deliberately using a misleading argument to paint a false picture. That has been a central Obama practice not only throughout his entire presidency, but also as the foundation of his 2008 campaign strategy, and actually throughout his whole career."
Also at Forbes from Dec, 2011; Obama Channels Hugo Chavez, Shows Why He Can't Lead On The Economy
Boortz: Want to start a business? Move. "Investor’s Business Daily is reporting that as of now it is easier to start a business in Slovenia, Estonia or Hungary than it is in the United States. Why? Because of new banking regulations in the U.S. Put Canada on that list as well. It now takes fewer steps to start a business in Canada than it does in any other developed nation.
And regulations such as this.
Obsession with income redistribution is destroying U.S. productivity "When the young and the productive are saddled with the greatest burdens, the country’s potential for growth is limited. The obsession with transferring wealth needs to end so entrepreneurs can focus on creating it. That’s the only way America will return to the days of across-the-board, ever-increasing incomes for all."
Obama Can't Keep His Jobs Story Straight "Just how inept is the White House these days? On Friday, President Obama was demanding that Congress put "teachers, cops and firefighters" back to work. But his own website says he's already accomplished that. Via Hot Air.
The Private Sector Was Really Fine Under Reagan/ And we didn't have an insufferable whiner-in chief.
"President Barack Obama’s 53-minute “major address” on Thursday was so bad that even some of his knee-jerk cheerleaders in the establishment press couldn’t stand it. A desperate Associated Press photographer thought that fitting Obama for a new halo might distract from the disaster. Nice try, buddy. No sale."
...."Unlike now, the private sector was really fine under Ronald Reagan. Additionally, once inaugurated, the Gipper almost never complained about the insufferable mess predecessor Jimmy Carter had left or moaned about the high interest rates the Fed had to impose to tame inflation.
Also at Forbes from Dec, 2011; Obama Channels Hugo Chavez, Shows Why He Can't Lead On The Economy
And regulations such as this.
Obsession with income redistribution is destroying U.S. productivity "When the young and the productive are saddled with the greatest burdens, the country’s potential for growth is limited. The obsession with transferring wealth needs to end so entrepreneurs can focus on creating it. That’s the only way America will return to the days of across-the-board, ever-increasing incomes for all."
Obama Can't Keep His Jobs Story Straight "Just how inept is the White House these days? On Friday, President Obama was demanding that Congress put "teachers, cops and firefighters" back to work. But his own website says he's already accomplished that. Via Hot Air.
The Private Sector Was Really Fine Under Reagan/ And we didn't have an insufferable whiner-in chief.
"President Barack Obama’s 53-minute “major address” on Thursday was so bad that even some of his knee-jerk cheerleaders in the establishment press couldn’t stand it. A desperate Associated Press photographer thought that fitting Obama for a new halo might distract from the disaster. Nice try, buddy. No sale."
...."Unlike now, the private sector was really fine under Ronald Reagan. Additionally, once inaugurated, the Gipper almost never complained about the insufferable mess predecessor Jimmy Carter had left or moaned about the high interest rates the Fed had to impose to tame inflation.
"Evidence is growing that the American people have had more than their fill of our current ineffective whiner- and regulator-in-chief ...."