Chris Matthews: 'Obama Is the Perfect Father, the Perfect Husband, the Perfect American' "Isn't there anyone at MSNBC embarrassed by this? Or all they okay with one of their so-called "journalists" calling a sitting president in an election year "perfect?" "
Bookworm Room adds this to our Barack Obama tribute:
"Distilled to its essence: Barack Obama is saying that only government makes things happen. He fundamentally fails to understand that a healthy, stable society, one in which government does its one that enables the hard workers, the innovators, the — yes — the lucky ones to rise above the crowd. When government tries to innovate for innovation’s sake ...we end up with TSA and Solyndra." (Emphasis added.)
Bookworm Room adds this to our Barack Obama tribute:
From the comments section at the above site:
If you’ve got a business become President — you didn’t build win that. Somebody else made that happen.Somebody, to remain anonymous, released sealed divorce proceeding recordsSomebody, at the LA Times, refuses to release tapes of you celebrating with a group of Palestinians who were openly hostile towards Israel.Somebody coordinated a Journolist of main stream media reporters, pundits, etc., to combat negative coverageiu(sic)