The Journalist’s Creed "The Journalist’s Creed was written by the first dean of the Missouri School of Journalism, Walter Williams. One century later, his declaration remains one of the clearest statements of the principles, values and standards of journalists throughout the world."
American Thinker; Journalists, not "Contrast what is asked in accusatory fashion of Romney with that which is asked of Obama. What is your favorite color? If you could have just one super power, what would it be? Obama speaks on his own volition in platitudes and banalities, and is prompted by his journalist "lap dogs" to speak of the absurd and meaningless. Fully protected. "....
Five Facts the Media Are Distorting About Romney's Response to Embassy Attacks "But do note that Romney stayed to answer journalists’ questions, while Obama refused, ducking out to attend a fundraiser in Las Vegas. Romney is effectively the leader of the free world today, the man whose principled reaction to events expressed what ought to be--and used to be--the minimum Americans expect of their president.
"That we still cherish and enjoy our free press is no thanks to Obama--or the media that protect him."
Michelle Malkin: Reporters Plotting Questions for Romney Are Obama's 'Tools' and 'Stenographers'
"Readers are also advised that the NPR correspondent involved in this disgraceful episode is the same one that on Monday refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance or stand for the National Anthem at a Romney campaign event.
"NPR must be so proud of its employee."