American Glob: Scott Brown Won Tonight’s Debate Hands Down "Scott Brown offered substantive answers backed up by facts. Elizabeth Warren was nothing but liberal talking points from the Democratic Party. In fact, Elizabeth Warren’s position on everything seemed to break down into two categories:
From Hot Air blog: Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren: "How can we trust your character when you lied about being Native American?"
William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection covers it here: Warren-Brown Post-Debate Analysis (Videos added) "When Warren tried to say that Brown sided with big companies, Brown lowered the boom on something most viewers probably didn’t know, that Warren represented Travelers Insurance Co. and was paid $225,000 to defeat asbestos claims. Brown harped on it, and because most viewers probably didn’t know, I think it hurt."
1. Millionaires and Billionaires.2. Big oil straw men."Brown nailed her to her massive salary for teaching one class, the fact that she doesn’t voluntarily pay the higher taxes she demands, the fact that she defended the largest insurance company in the US while screwing asbestos poisoning victims, her declaration of being the inspiration for Occupy Wall Street, her fake Indian heritage, and on and on and on."
From Hot Air blog: Scott Brown to Elizabeth Warren: "How can we trust your character when you lied about being Native American?"