Heritage; 10 Questions; five on Domestic policy and five on foreign policy.
Don't take Biden for a fool in this debate; he goes for the jugular. But first he will praise and stroke Paul Ryan to throw him off before going into his blue-collar anger schtick.
I could put a bunch of stupid-Biden cartoons in here, but they do not reflect the demagogue we will see tonight.
Biden: 'You Ever See Me Rope-a-Dope?'
So, what's rope-a-dope?
NRO; Joe’s World; Always on the wrong side of history. "That is, even if he scores some sort of debate “win” on a foreign-policy question — say, by breaking out a consonant soup of foreign-leader names and treaty acronyms — it won’t change the fact that Biden just might be, in Charles Krauthammer’s memorable formulation, “the Herbert Hoover of American foreign policy,” holding the record for being wrong on the most issues.
"Which ones? Well, in the interest of space, let’s stick to the top five:"
Don't take Biden for a fool in this debate; he goes for the jugular. But first he will praise and stroke Paul Ryan to throw him off before going into his blue-collar anger schtick.
I could put a bunch of stupid-Biden cartoons in here, but they do not reflect the demagogue we will see tonight.
Biden: 'You Ever See Me Rope-a-Dope?'
So, what's rope-a-dope?
Today rope-a-dope refers to any strategy that involves "playing the loser" to "come out the winner." Rope-a-dope strategy implies the need for sharp technical skills to "take the hits" on the downside, and shrewd timing to break through at the proper moment to claim victory. Political strategists, pundits, politicians, business men and even combat tacticians use the phrase to refer to risky maneuvers that take one from a position of the seeming underdog to one of victor.
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