While the left cheers the Obama win for reasons no more substantial than a Super Bowl win, other, more serious people are seeing the price this nation and its economy must pay.
Already In The Pipeline "You can’t say I didn’t warn you. I told you what we could expect from a second term of Barack Obama, emboldened by Democrats in Congress. It hasn’t taken but a few days for many of these things to already be in the pipeline."
Boortz covers a list of Obama plagues including:
Tax increases, wealth tax, the Second Amendment, Cap-and-Trade
And then finishes with this ominous comment:
"Russia’s Flexibility Russia is already flexing its muscles. Just two days after the election, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister goes and tells an international conference that he hopes Obama is mindful of his promise to give Russia “flexibility,” particularly on the issue of the US missile defense shield."
Obama and the cult of personality "The president’s reelection is not evidence of a new liberal America, but rather of the illogical and confused experience that is infatuation. For multiple reasons, Americans continue to have a crush on Barack Obama even after his universally panned first term." Abe Greenwald
An Expatriate Brit Despairs for America’s Future "Maybe it takes someone born in leftist Europe, someone who has lived at the end of the path to which the United States is headed, to fully appreciate what happened Tuesday. While many Americans understand that we punched a ticket Tuesday on the road to Socialism, perhaps only a European who has embraced this country can fully feel it in his bones." ....
Foodstamps Surge to All Time High "The Obama administration has finally released its report on the number of Americans receiving food stamps. This report was released days after the 2012 election, nine days past its traditional release date. The numbers show that Americans on food stamps is at an all time high. Worse, the report shows the highest one month jump ever recorded."
What's Next for Marriage After Tuesday's Vote? "Supporters of traditional marriage lost big on Election Day, with four states redefining marriage to include same-sex couples. Marriage defenders acknowledge they have serious work to do on several fronts going forward, even as the nation must now begin to consider the question of polygamy.
"Washington State and Maine redefined marriage in their states to include two-man and two-woman couples."
House Democrats push for extension of jobless benefits Who can compete with Santa Claus in the land of spoiled children?
Neal Boortz; Proggies Shocked by ObamaCare Fallout "The liberals seem shocked. They took to Twitter to demonize these business owners, and pushing for others to boycott their businesses. Hey you proggies and liberals – Can’t say you weren’t warned! Business owners have been out there telling you exactly what you had coming to you if Obama was re-elected and ObamaCare became the law of the land. Just because you chose not to listen to those warnings doesn’t make it my problem!" More Boortz here:
Already In The Pipeline "You can’t say I didn’t warn you. I told you what we could expect from a second term of Barack Obama, emboldened by Democrats in Congress. It hasn’t taken but a few days for many of these things to already be in the pipeline."
Boortz covers a list of Obama plagues including:
Tax increases, wealth tax, the Second Amendment, Cap-and-Trade
And then finishes with this ominous comment:
"Russia’s Flexibility Russia is already flexing its muscles. Just two days after the election, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister goes and tells an international conference that he hopes Obama is mindful of his promise to give Russia “flexibility,” particularly on the issue of the US missile defense shield."
Obama and the cult of personality "The president’s reelection is not evidence of a new liberal America, but rather of the illogical and confused experience that is infatuation. For multiple reasons, Americans continue to have a crush on Barack Obama even after his universally panned first term." Abe Greenwald
An Expatriate Brit Despairs for America’s Future "Maybe it takes someone born in leftist Europe, someone who has lived at the end of the path to which the United States is headed, to fully appreciate what happened Tuesday. While many Americans understand that we punched a ticket Tuesday on the road to Socialism, perhaps only a European who has embraced this country can fully feel it in his bones." ....
But, consider this: A president of the United States just ran a reelection campaign based on the promise of government largess, exploitation of class division, the demonization of success, the glorification of identity politics, and the presumption that women are a helpless interest group; and he did so while steadfastly refusing to acknowledge the looming — potentially fatal — crisis that the country faces. And it worked. White House DossierJust wanted to be sure you saw that quote.
Foodstamps Surge to All Time High "The Obama administration has finally released its report on the number of Americans receiving food stamps. This report was released days after the 2012 election, nine days past its traditional release date. The numbers show that Americans on food stamps is at an all time high. Worse, the report shows the highest one month jump ever recorded."
What's Next for Marriage After Tuesday's Vote? "Supporters of traditional marriage lost big on Election Day, with four states redefining marriage to include same-sex couples. Marriage defenders acknowledge they have serious work to do on several fronts going forward, even as the nation must now begin to consider the question of polygamy.
"Washington State and Maine redefined marriage in their states to include two-man and two-woman couples."
House Democrats push for extension of jobless benefits Who can compete with Santa Claus in the land of spoiled children?
The ‘Regulatory Cliff’ Regulatory reform has become more urgent than ever. "Among the outgoing Senate’s graveyard of stalled budgets, authorizations, and other urgent measures are some 36 regulatory-reform bills passed by the House with bipartisan support. These bills are needed to rein in a regulatory spree that is crushing business activity and unnerving investors. They deserve first priority in the new Senate — but the newly elected body, with two fewer GOP members than its predecessor had, is likely not interested."
November 7, 2012: Obama's Unluckiest Day? "The president bought the next four years at a great cost. "
"But now he will reap what he sowed. His pretense of being a uniter, someone who can reach across the aisle and work together to solve pressing problems, lies in ruins. Whatever reservoir of goodwill and trust that existed in January 2009 is now bone dry.
"So, yes, he won. But it will almost certainly be a Pyrrhic victory. He chose to divide the country deeply to win his second term. He will find that the nation he will again lead is not governable by him, and he may have tipped it to where it is not governable by anyone."
"But now he will reap what he sowed. His pretense of being a uniter, someone who can reach across the aisle and work together to solve pressing problems, lies in ruins. Whatever reservoir of goodwill and trust that existed in January 2009 is now bone dry.
"So, yes, he won. But it will almost certainly be a Pyrrhic victory. He chose to divide the country deeply to win his second term. He will find that the nation he will again lead is not governable by him, and he may have tipped it to where it is not governable by anyone."