Bare Naked Islam
Classic Condell contends that “Islam is the problem and Islamphobia(sp) Awareness month should more accurately be called Islamic Cultural Terrorism Awareness Month…The concept of ‘Islamophobia’ comes from the imaginations of aggresssive(sp) Islamic supremacists who have paranoia on a permanent hair trigger and see violence as the solution to criticism.”
Classic Condell contends that “Islam is the problem and Islamphobia(sp) Awareness month should more accurately be called Islamic Cultural Terrorism Awareness Month…The concept of ‘Islamophobia’ comes from the imaginations of aggresssive(sp) Islamic supremacists who have paranoia on a permanent hair trigger and see violence as the solution to criticism.”
Of course, we mean all this in a nice way.
Part of the Problem: French Media Ducks Anti-Islam Protest "There are numerous reasons the West is losing the war with Islam. They range from being bitten by the politically correct bug, to Muslim con artists exploiting naive and trusting infidels, to the malevolent mainstream media. Tonight we get a look at the malevolent media of France…."