Rick Moran at American Thinker Quoting from The Hill:
Pravda Op-Ed To US: Never Give Up Your Guns. Wait...what? Pravda?
"In fact, under the Soviet Union crime was rampant. But the Communist governments lied about it, and suppressed the statistics. A practice some claim is still continuing under Putin."
It should be noted that there is a near zero chance that the president will issue an executive order grabbing any guns. It is more likely that Obama will tighten reporting requirements for state agencies who report mentally ill people to the government, or perhaps hit gun shows with new requirements that will make it more difficult for sellers to do business. But there's no sense going overboard with hysterical warnings about Obama taking guns. Not going to happen and it only makes the president's critics look crazy."Of far more importance than any executive order Obama might issue is the obvious administration strategy of turning this into an emotional debate so that people won't think logically of the consequences. To do this, they will invoke Newtown every chance they get. They know they will lose a debate on the merits and facts. But they have a chance if they exploit the Newtown dead and scare people into pressuring congress to adopt bad legislation." "Never let a crisis go to waste" - even if you have to create one by standing on the dead bodies of little children."
Pravda Op-Ed To US: Never Give Up Your Guns. Wait...what? Pravda?
"In fact, under the Soviet Union crime was rampant. But the Communist governments lied about it, and suppressed the statistics. A practice some claim is still continuing under Putin."
While President Putin pushes through reforms, the local authorities, especially in our vast hinterland, do not feel they need to act like they work for the people. They do as they please, a tyrannical class who knows they have absolutely nothing to fear from a relatively unarmed population. This in turn breeds not respect but absolute contempt and often enough, criminal abuse.Emphasis in the original.