MSNBC obsesses over perceived racism by Republicans, but look how they treat black conservatives
"MSNBC is arguably the most race obsessed cable news network on television and they beat a single drum constantly. In their narrow view, all white conservatives are racists, the Tea Party is a terrorist organization and the Republican Party is as white as the snows of January.
"This leads me to wonder why MSNBC also does everything it can to demonize black conservatives."
MSNBC Contributor Taylor Again Attacks Black Conservatives As 'Dangerous' to Minorities "Appearing on the January 10 Martin Bashir program to discuss concerns being expressed by many in Washington -- predominantly on the Left -- that President Obama's second-term Cabinet will be less diverse in terms of race and gender than his first term, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor took the opportunity to attack minority and women appointees of the George W. Bush Cabinet as self-hating minorities."
I'm sure that MSNBC will trash these people if they have not done so already:
NBRA Chairman Frances Rice
First Blacks in Congress – All Republicans (Complete List)
Historical Black Republican leaders - Photos
Black Republican Leaders Today - Photos
NBRA History Test
"Obama's Plan to Enslave Blacks - A cartoon created for the [National Black Republican Association] by Brett Noel provides a chilling look at the future of black Americans under a Barack Obama Administration as "Socialist Slaves" dependent on government handouts on the Democratic Party's economic plantation. As a corrupt Chicago "Community Organizer" for 20 years, Obama produced unlivable slums and wants to repeat his failure for the rest of America."
"MSNBC is arguably the most race obsessed cable news network on television and they beat a single drum constantly. In their narrow view, all white conservatives are racists, the Tea Party is a terrorist organization and the Republican Party is as white as the snows of January.
"This leads me to wonder why MSNBC also does everything it can to demonize black conservatives."
MSNBC Contributor Taylor Again Attacks Black Conservatives As 'Dangerous' to Minorities "Appearing on the January 10 Martin Bashir program to discuss concerns being expressed by many in Washington -- predominantly on the Left -- that President Obama's second-term Cabinet will be less diverse in terms of race and gender than his first term, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor took the opportunity to attack minority and women appointees of the George W. Bush Cabinet as self-hating minorities."
I'm sure that MSNBC will trash these people if they have not done so already:
NBRA Chairman Frances Rice
First Blacks in Congress – All Republicans (Complete List)
Historical Black Republican leaders - Photos
Black Republican Leaders Today - Photos
NBRA History Test
"Obama's Plan to Enslave Blacks - A cartoon created for the [National Black Republican Association] by Brett Noel provides a chilling look at the future of black Americans under a Barack Obama Administration as "Socialist Slaves" dependent on government handouts on the Democratic Party's economic plantation. As a corrupt Chicago "Community Organizer" for 20 years, Obama produced unlivable slums and wants to repeat his failure for the rest of America."