Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Clinton at the Benghazi Hearings today

Political Cartoons by Larry Wright
Picture of the Day  "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham pounds her fist as she testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the deadly September attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans."

White House defends Secretary of State Clinton on Benghazi  "The talking points – long a focus of conservatives skeptical of the administration’s changing explanation of the Benghazi attack  — were at the center of a heated exchange between Clinton and freshman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) during Wednesday’s Senate hearing."

Rand Paul tells Clinton she was culpable and should have been fired.   

Clinton claims she always knew the attacks were terrorism, but these reactions from Clinton and Obama refute that:
Clinton and Obama groveling over the Mohammad video

Barack Obama condemns 'slander' of the 'prophet' Muhammad at UN
Narrating this is Ezra Levant, who knows a thing or two standing up for free speech even when it makes the left quake from fear of radical Islamists.


Coulter: Ending gun violence requires commitment, not all of it voluntary

Ann Coulter  "The good news is: Obama and the Senate Democrats have no intention of passing more idiotic gun legislation in response to the Newtown massacre. The bad news is that they also have no intention of passing any legislation about the mentally ill, which would actually do something to reduce these mass shootings.
"Instead, the Democrats will jawbone about “assault weapons” and other meaningless gun laws for the sole purpose of scaring soccer moms into hating the National Rifle Association. Expect to hear a lot about Republicans preferring “the gun lobby” to “children.” (Which is evidently not at all like preferring the teachers lobby to children.)"
Hey, that was good! Let me say that again:
Expect to hear a lot about Republicans preferring “the gun lobby” to “children.” (Which is evidently not at all like preferring the teachers lobby to children.)"

 Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Tort Reform: How to eat free at Bob Evans

The West Virginia Record via U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform
"When [the plaintiff] isn’t dining out, he seems to enjoy social media. He has two “favorites” on his personal Facebook page: a page for his company, Acey Renovations, and another page which seems dedicated to a certain part of the female anatomy.
Extenuating circumstances or not, if the hostess called Acey an idiot, she shouldn’t have. However, the fact remains that Acey was not satisfied by a manager’s apology or an offer of a free meal and is now suing for compensatory and punitive damages – for being called something that one could argue may not have been far from the mark."
Follow this site on Facebook also. 

More on silly suits at this site: Never a shortage of ridiculous lawsuits in U.S. courts  "But sometimes even dismissals can pay off for trial lawyers. After a California judge found a class-action claim against Volkswagen meritless, plaintiffs' attorneys tweaked the complaint. Weary of the court battle, VW finally settled. The attorneys received about $500,000 in fees, the plaintiffs received zilch. What a system."  Follow the money.

Gun Logic in Liberalville

The Left's new campaign to destroy a friend of Israel

I'm always skeptical of online petitions, but respect Ms. Glick and feel her words should be heeded by all who should support Israel. If nothing else, it will put signers on record as supporting Rep. Bachman.
Caroline Glick  "Today as Obama officially enters his second term in office, Israel enters a period unlike any it has experienced before. It will face a hostile US president who does not fear the voters. Moreover, it faces a US president who is so hostile to Israel that his first serious act after his reelection was to appoint Chuck Hagel Defense Secretary, (and John Brennan CIA Director)."
"As a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, and as a contender in the Republican presidential primaries, Bachmann has been one of Israel's most passionate and articulate defenders and one of Obama's most effective critics on everything from federal spending to Obama's abandonment of the US-Israel alliance to his opening of the US federal government and intelligence apparatuses to members of the Muslim Brotherhood - that is to members of a movement dedicated to the destruction of the American way of life. 
"For her efforts, Rep. Bachmann has been the target of repeated media smear campaigns, often joined by skittish Republicans like John McCain who failed to recognize the danger of the Muslim Brotherhood's rise in Libya and Egypt, and failed to understand the danger that the penetration of the US federal government by Muslim Brotherhood members constitutes to US national security."
The petition here. Bear in mind this will get you on a mailing list with a plea for donations.

Rapper Kicked Off Stage for Anti-Obama Lyrics at Inaugural Event

NPR has this. Bear in mind that when incidents such as this happen, it is only because the performer thinks Obama is not far enough to the left for his taste; not because he is conservative. No no.  After all, Mr. Fiasco's real name is Wasalu Muhammad Jaco.

Obama and his lap-dog media

Rick Moran;  Bizarre Example of Obama Worship in the Media "I can’t recall in 45 years of media watching ever coming across anything as corrupting to professional journalism as this. He actually expected the president — the man he is paid to cover according to the ethics and standards (a stretch with CNN, I know) of professional journalism — to call and chat him up on an informal and friendly basis. It’s hard to pick what’s more bizarre — his belief that his pitiful missives actually stimulated the thinking of the president of the United States, or that he could entertain the idea of developing a personal relationship with Barack Obama."

CBS News Political Director: 'Pulverize GOP' Objective 'Analysis'  "I honestly believe that one of the Lefts' primary tactics is to endlessly exhaust us with this kind of relentless tactical nonsense.
"If Dickerson was indeed writing analysis, he did an awfully good job of disguising it as naked advocacy. Here are the opening paragraphs of Dickerson's original piece. Please tell me at which point this Obama cheer-leading distinguishes itself as anything nearing objective analysis: "....

CNN Hosts Wave to Obama Like Groupies  And you actually expect these people to ask Obama hard questions at press interviews?

Rush covers it best of all: The Media Has Never Been So Happy;  "They were fawning over Obama.  There's no pretense these people are journalists anymore."
Obama Speech Ignores Failed Economy; Media Gushes Anyway   "If you were dumb enough to get your news only from the mainstream media, you would think that economic times are so flush today, the American president can afford to squander his second term socially re-engineering America. "

From our Dream-On file: Obama's Greatest Legacy Might Be Destroying the Media  "The media might think they're partners with Barack Obama, but in reality they're his cannon fodder. Obama uses, lies to, dismisses, and openly mocks the media. Still, like bug-eating Renfelds diseased by The Master's influence, they live only to serve. But The Master can't save them, and his open contempt for them means he won't even try."
Let's call Letterman "the press" because that is where many low-information voters get their news and commentary.

Bibi defeats Obama (barely)

      Terrell AfterMath and also here: The Old Jarhead
Legal Insurrection  "Obama supporters accused Bibi of siding with Romney, although there’s nothing they can point to to prove it.
"As “payback,” Obama tried to interfere in Israel’s election by chiding Israelis that they (i.e., Bibi) don’t know what’s in their best interests, and making sure such comments made their way to the press on the eve of the election."

“Listening to Netanyahu was like listening to our collective conscience trying to remind us of who we really are.”  "For now, I’ll quote reader Deborah who e-mailed me as follows:"
As I listened to the live broadcast of Bibi Netanyahu’s speech, I thought to myself that HE’s reminding us of who we are. We’re NOT the moral relativists and effete European socialists that the current administration wants us to be. Listening to Netanyahu was like listening to our collective conscience trying to remind us of who we really are.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The character of this president and the Democrats

The (g)odless Inaugural Prayer   Time to ask if our country has crossed the spiritual Rubicon?
"In the RNS interview, Evers-Williams sheds some light on why she may have been so obtuse in her word choices about the deity (or lack thereof):
I have never been shy in mentioning my relationship with what I call God, a Spirit, and there certainly have been times over the years that I have called on him — or her, if you wish — in public. I deeply believe that there is a Supreme Being that sees us through.
Charles Krauthammer wrote in 2008 "A Question of Barack Obama's Character"   "Obama is not the first politician to rise through a corrupt political machine. But he is one of the rare few to then have the audacity to present himself as a transcendent healer, hovering above and bringing redemption to the "old politics" -- of the kind he had enthusiastically embraced in Chicago in the service of his own ambition.
"Second, and even more disturbing than the cynicism, is the window these associations give on Obama's core beliefs. He doesn't share Rev. Wright's poisonous views of race nor Ayers' views, past and present, about the evil that is American society. But Obama clearly did not consider these views beyond the pale. For many years he swam easily and without protest in that fetid pond."

Obama's speech: if this man is not a socialist, then what do you call him?

Barry Rubin; Obama’s Inaugural Speech Presents His New Strategy and Blueprint for Transforming America  "He just completely redirected the country, and no one seemed to notice."
"So here is Obama saying that the essential basis of American democracy is the Constitution, American exceptionalism, and the Declaration of Independence’s claim of unalienable rights granted to the citizen.
"Yet he is on record repeatedly rejecting each of these three ideas."

Ron Radosh; What Was the Meaning of President Obama’s Second Inaugural Address?  "In one fell swoop, President Obama moved from giving lip service to free-market ideology (thereby fooling people like Matthew Yglesias) to arguing against those supposed conservatives — strawmen, really — who supposedly want to do away with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and who, the president claims, argue that they “sap our initiative” rather than, as he would have it, “strengthen us.” "

A Perfect Example of Why I Hate the Media  "This guy explodes our debt, weakens our children’s futures, and Big Media publishes treacle like this.
Comments on the Inauguration from the Orange County Register
FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Ed Bjork:  I hope the 47 percent who pay nothing for Obama’s grand ball remember that while he wines and dines, his troops are in godforsaken places all over the world, wining and dining on water and C-rations [“A quiet beginning,” Front Page, Jan. 21]. He is concerned about them only when he has no other choice but to address their existence.
The king and his court, the Democrats, have driven us into Third World-debtor status, created a medical plan that will break taxpayers, plans to legalize illegals at the expense of those who waited on lists for years and seeks to destroy the Second Amendment.
LA HABRA, Bobby Florentz: The president laid out his plan for his next four years. In essence, he said that climbing welfare rates, food stamp recipients, joblessness, union favoritism, government expansion and inflation will continue unabated.

Alan Caruba; Inaugural Lies and the Big Chill

Warning Signs   "To what “climate change” is Obama referring? Is it the now thoroughly debunked “global warming” hoax? Is it the climate change of the 11,500 years since the last ice age? Or is it “the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms” to which Obama referred?
"If it is the latter, does anyone actually believe that these natural events can be mitigated by anything Americans or the entire population of the world can do? Did any among the thousands in attendance at the inauguration, shivering in the frigid weather, wonder what the President was talking about or why?"
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell