Friday, February 22, 2013

The state of "journalism" as of Feb 22, 2013

Did Fox News' Ed Henry blow it?  "It started as a plea for transparency; it's ending up as a public relations disaster.
"When the White House press corps made its plea for greater access to President Obama, they were hoping to force the administration to cooperate on an issue that has frustrated them since the earliest days of Obama's presidency. But by choosing to raise their voices over a golfing vacation -- rather than, say, a foreign or domestic policy issue -- the press corps may have blown its chances for public sympathy, and even damaged its own reputation."
Ed Henry is one of the good guys, too.

More on this: Debate co-chair: 'Mistake' to have Candy Crowley moderate presidential debate  "Crowley... drew heavy fire from conservatives for challenging Mitt Romney after he suggested that President Obama had not called the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, "acts of terror." " 
New Words for the Media  "For those that tend to ignore the gun-controllers rant that deer hunters do not need military assault weapons with high capacity magazines, but can get by with just regular ol' deer guns, we find that a bolt action .308, a regular ol' deer gun suddenly now is a sniper rifle."
Government Wants TV Networks to Tout Obamacare in TV Show Programming   "Plans are being discussed to pitch a reality television show about “the trials and tribulations of families living without medical coverage,” according to the Ogilvy plan. The exchange will also seek to have prime-time television shows, like “Modern Family,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and Univision telenovelas, weave the health care law into their plots."
Hat tip to The Lonely Conservative.

Our children go to school and receive liberal indoctrination; at work their parents are indoctrinated in PC meetings. Then they all come home to be indoctrinated by their TV programs*.
By the way, have you counted how many of the TV "good guys" drive a Prius?
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
Obama Resorts to Local TV Interviews to Blame Sequester on GOP  "President Obama has launched a campaign to push his tax hikes by granting interviews to local TV news programs in eight states whose viewers will likely be affected by budget cuts as a result of sequestration."

Bozell: Media Simply Won't Report on Sequester Accurately, the GOP Has to Go Over Their Heads to Make Case to American People
"What the Republican Party should be saying to Mr. and Mrs. America is this is an out-of-control government and they can't even cut two percent without claiming that the world is going to come to an end.... This should be a no-brainer."
Pro-Family Marches Censored by Media While Eco-Group Gets Spotlight
"More than 200,000 citizens participated in a pro-family march last Monday in Puerto Rico, but this event, that the Huffington Post called “one of the largest pro-family demonstrations ever held in the U.S. commonwealth,” received not even a passing mention on NBC, ABC, CBS or CNN."....
...."Meanwhile, a Keystone pipeline protest, just a day before, received massive attention from the news media, despite having only a fraction of the turnout that the Puerto Rican protest had – an estimated 35,000 people."

*Only Truth in ‘True Life’ is MTV’s Contempt for Conservatives   "The episode description reads: “Amelia, Caleb and Andrew are three right-wingers who despise the very thing that holds our country together, the U.S. government.” "
Press Bias Evident in New Jersey Beheading Blackout  ...."The press reaction? Based on past treatment of such atrocities as the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords, we know that the media would instantly connect the killings to the alleged murderer’s religious beliefs, regardless of the lack of any evidence that there was any causal relationship at all and indeed in the face of the obvious truth that Christianity explicitly teaches against hatred, revenge, and prejudice.
"Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Paul Ryan, and the other usual suspects would surely be rounded up and questioned about their complicity in the murder."

Obama and the Seuss-quester

"On Pennsylvania Avenue, right near the end, there lived a President who wanted to spend.
"He knew spending meant power, so hour by hour, he thought up more spends from his Washington tower.
" “I’ll spend without limits; I’ll spend without blame! Raising taxes to pay—that’s the name of the game.” "
"Down the street, though, a House filled with thriftier folk had a budget to pass, or the country’d go broke. “We can’t spend all day; we’ve got bills to pay! Let’s keep deficits and higher taxes away.”

"The Senate next door to the House just refused. “We don’t like your budget. We’ve got some bad news: The President says we can spend all we want, and we’ll simply raise taxes whenever we choose.”

"So they spent and they spent and they borrowed some more. And when all that was spent, they spent same as before."....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rand Paul returns surplus operating budget

In a related story, a flight of pigs was spotted at 15,000 feet over Massachusetts.

Daily Caller  " Sen. says he will send a $600,000 check to the U.S. Treasury, returning the part of his operating budget as a senator that was not spent.
"Paul made the announcement at press conference in Kentucky on Wednesday. According to a press release from Paul’s office, the sum is over 20 percent of the total operating budget." More...

Hagel Declined to Sign Schumer Letter in 2007 Asking Arab Allies to Recognize Israel

Big Peace  "Former Sen. Chuck Hagel declined to sign a letter circulated by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in 2007 calling upon then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to press Arab allies of the U.S. to recognize Israel’s right to exist “and not use such recognition as a bargaining chip for future Israeli concessions.” Seventy-nine Senators eventually signed the letter, which was sponsored by Schumer and by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Via Weasel Zippers

Sequester: the ObaMonster

Monster 590 LI

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Marco Rubio is still drinking water

Ethel C. Fenig at American Thinker  "Liberals will curse the day they decided to mock Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for his now (in)famous drink of water during the Republican response to President Barack Hussein Obama's (D) State of the Union address.  Apparently Rubio has cleverly decided to exploit that public water gulp to his advantage by following a few of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.Read more:
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

SNL = Sad Naive Liberals

American Glob  "I never watch Saturday Night Live anymore.
"Not only is it no longer funny, it has become a hyper-partisan political outlet which promotes liberals and denigrates conservatives at every turn.
"Christian Americans are continually insulted by entertainment on television. So when I saw this SNL clip on Big Hollywood, I felt compelled to post the video.
"The folks at SNL think they’re being “edgy” here. They’re not. They’re taking a cheap shot at Christians because they know there won’t be any backlash.
"I look forward to SNL’s send-up of Islam and the parade of outraged Democrats falling all over themselves on the news to blame the ensuing riots on an offensive video." 

Hispanicked GOP Elite: They'll Respect Us In the Morning

"Putting 12 million to 20 million of them on a "path to citizenship" won't make them like Republicans; it will make Republicans lose."

Ann Coulter  "Don't anyone tell Marco Rubio, John McCain or Jeff Flake that nearly 80 percent of Hindus voted for Obama, or who knows what they'll come up with. 
"I understand the interest of business lobbies in getting cheap, unskilled labor through amnesty, but why do Republican officeholders want to create up to 20 million more Democratic voters....?
"Without citing any evidence, the Rubio Republicans simply assert that granting 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens amnesty will make Hispanics warm to the GOP. Yes, that's worked like a charm since Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986!"

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

John Boehner: The President Is Raging Against a Budget Crisis He Created

JOHN BOEHNER ; "Obama invented the 'sequester' in the summer of 2011 to avoid facing up to America's spending problem."
"A week from now, a dramatic new federal policy is set to go into effect that threatens U.S. national security, thousands of jobs and more. In a bit of irony, President Obama stood Tuesday with first responders who could lose their jobs if the policy goes into effect. Most Americans are just hearing about this Washington creation for the first time: the sequester. What they might not realize from Mr. Obama's statements is that it is a product of the president's own failed leadership."
"The president got his higher taxes—$600 billion from higher earners, with no spending cuts—at the end of 2012. He also got higher taxes via ObamaCare. Meanwhile, no one should be talking about raising taxes when the government is still paying people to play videogames, giving folks free cellphones, and buying $47,000 cigarette-smoking machines."
 Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

Feminine Mystique at 50

"Betty Friedan hailed the advent of women’s studies. She should have looked more closely."
Lauren Noble  "The feminists in higher education today in fact have betrayed Friedan’s ideals. In the process, they have damaged the reputation of scholarship and hurt women who have invested in useless degrees. This cannot continue.
"In dealing with women, universities should focus on empowering and encouraging them to study the great books, politics, economics, and other disciplines that were once denied to them. The preoccupation with sexuality and popular culture is neither intellectual nor practical. Insultingly, women’s studies as currently constituted presumes that women are interested only in women’s issues. Women deserve better. And while Friedan was wrong about many things, today’s feminists seem to have overlooked some of her most important lessons."
Lauren Noble is the founder and executive director of the William F. Buckley Jr. Program at Yale and a former writer for the Romney campaign. The views expressed here are her own.

What if One Day We Get a Bad President? The consequences of being saddled with a non-progressive, dumb chief executive are too horrible to imagine.

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley
PJ Media  "So the only option left is to consider curtailing a bit of the power we’re allowing Obama, because someday we might have a president who is completely detached from average Americans, doesn’t care about our problems, and ruins everything he touches — someone completely unlike Obama. I mean, just imagine all that power Obama has in the hands of someone who completely sucks at being president. The economy would be ruined, we’d have disastrous situations abroad, and our liberties would be threatened. It would be a lot like now, but instead of it being Bush’s fault, it would be the fault of the current president. So to keep that from happening, we’ll have to do the hard thing and put more limitations on Obama’s power. I’m sure he’ll understand and not drone-strike us."
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Audience Cheers and Applauds When Leno Says Obama 'Doesn't Understand Economics'

Leno is the non-Letterman.
Newsbusters  "It appears not everyone in America is as enthralled with Barack Obama's economic policies as his fans in the media.
"When NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno made a joke about the president not understanding economics, the studio audience cheered, applauded, and whistled (video follows with transcript and commentary):"  Read more: