Monday, March 25, 2013

Remember Burma-Shave?

GOP rising: The oppo battle is joined

Jennifer Rubin  "Last week former Mitt Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades and two young Republican sharpshooters, Tim Miller and Joe Pounder, announced they would set up a new organization, America Rising, devoted to the collection, dissemination and deployment of opposition research against Democrats and a counterpart to the hugely successful American Bridge on the left. On Friday I sat down with Miller and Pounder at a Capitol Hill Starbucks to talk about their new venture."
"They argue that 2014 will provide a target-rich environment, given the number of House and Senate Democrats whose voting records diverge from their home-state images as moderates. The essence of good research is simple, Pounder explains: “Good research matches what someone does with what they say — whether you call that pandering, hypocrisy or flip-flopping. Whenever it occurs on video it’s even better. It is the old classic show and tell. Don’t tell them  — show them.” That means a new effort on tracking candidates and following their speeches, votes, appearances and now even their tweets. America Rising plans to develop a bank of material not only about current candidates but also about candidates coming up in future races.

We're talking real mass destruction here

Political Cartoons

What difference does it make?

Political Cartoons

The Red and the Black; "What have the Democrats done for you lately?”

Deroy Murdock  "Republicans should start asking black Americans that question — early and often. Doing so could become the
GOP’s secret weapon.
"As Republicans regroup after presidential and Senate campaigns that they should have won easily last November, they should seek votes among the 41 million black Americans whom Democrats take for granted, and Republicans lately have written off. Here’s why engaging black voters could revitalize the GOP.
"Republicans need not win the black vote, or even a third of it. Securing 15 percent of the black electorate severely erodes the stalwart-Democrat base. If 20 to 25 percent of blacks vote GOP, it’s curtains for Democrats."

Bill Whittle on Obama’s Sequester Scheme: “Making It Hurt” (Video)

Nice Deb   "Bill Whittle puts into words as only he can, the diabolical sequester scheme of the Narcisissist in Chief,  which he says  is the most “petty, malicious, mean spirited, cowardly and hateful thing” he’s done, so far.
" “He’s deliberately inflicting as much pain on the American people as he can possible muster so he can accelerate our way into bankruptcy,” Whittle says." 

The Dream of a World Without Oil

American Thinker  "The New York Times devoted most of the front page of its Sunday Review section to a story promoting the green dream of "Life After Oil and Gas." The story cites an article by Stanford engineers published in the journal Energy Policy, titled "Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power." According to the lead author, Mark Z. Jacobsen, "It's absolutely not true that we need natural gas, coal or oil -- we think it's a myth." The authors "suggest producing all new energy with WWS [wind, water and solar] by 2030 and replacing the pre-existing energy by 2050. Barriers to the plan are primarily social and political, not technological or economic."
"Jacobsen provides a shopping list that details what will be required to move to a post-carbon future:" Each item is discussed in more detail at the link.
  •  3,800,000 5 MW wind turbines.....
  •  49,000 300 MW concentrated solar plants....
  •  40,000 300 MW solar PV power plants....
  • 1.7 billion 3 kW rooftop PV systems....
  • 5350 100 MW geothermal power plants....
  • 70 new 1300 MW hydroelectric power plants....
  • 720,000 0.75 MW wave devices....
  • 490,000 1 MW tidal turbines....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Obama doesn't bluff

Seven Myths About “Women in Combat" UPDATED

Michael Yon posted this article by G.S. Newbold, Lieutenant General, USMC (Ret.). TW has included only excerpts of each point the general has made. 
Myth #1 “It’s about women in combat.”
"No, it’s not. Women are already in combat, and are serving well and professionally. The issue should be more clearly entitled, “Women in the infantry.” And this is a decidedly different proposition."
Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Michelle Berglin trains for an upcoming
deployment at Camp Pendleton in January.
Myth #2 – “Combat has changed” (often accompanied by “There are no front lines anymore”).  ...."The standard for ground combat unit composition should be whether social experimentation would have amplified our opportunity for success in that crucible, or diminished it. We gamble with our future security when we set standards for warfare based on the best case, instead of the harshest one."
Myth #3 “If they pass the physical standards, why not?”  ...."Any study of sexual harassment statistics in this age cohort – in the military, academia, or the civilian workplace — are evidence enough that despite best efforts to by sincere leaders to control the issue, human instincts remain strong. Perceptions of favoritism or harassment will be corrosive, and cohesion will be the victim."

Picture your daughter in this Marine unit:

Myth #4“Standards won’t be lowered.”  ...."Pity the truthful leader who attempts to hold to standards based on realistic combat factors, and tells truth to power. Most won’t, and the others won’t survive."
Myth #5“Opening the infantry will provide a better pathway to senior rank for the talented women.”  ...."Those who might meet the infantry physical standard will find that their peers are expected, as leaders, to far exceed it (and most of their subordinates will, as well)."....
Myth #6“It’s a civil rights issue, much like the integration of the armed forces and allowing gays to serve openly.”   In the process, they demean initiatives that were to provide equally skilled individuals the opportunity to contribute equally. In each of the other issues, lowered standards were not the consequence.
Myth #7“It’s just fair.” ...."Direct ground combat, such as experienced in the frozen tundra of Korea, the rubble of Stalingrad, or the endless 30-day jungle patrols against a grim foe in Viet Nam, is the harshest meritocracy — with the greatest consequences — there is.
"And psychology in warfare is germane – the force that is respected (and, yes, feared) has a distinct advantage.
"Will women in our infantry enhance a psychological advantage, or hinder it?
Second, if it’s about fairness, why do women get a choice of whether to serve in the infantry (when men do not), and why aren’t they required to register for the draft (as men are)?"....
General Newbold

And the General concludes with an assessment of how political-correctness has stifled open, reasoned discussion and ruined careers of those who dare to tell things as they are:
"It may be that we live in a society in which honest discussion of this issue, relying on facts instead of volume, is not possible. If so, our national security will fall victim to hope instead of reality. And myths be damned."
Gregory S. Newbold served 32 years as a Marine infantryman, commanding units from platoon to the 1st Marine Division. His final assignment before retiring in 2002 was as director of operations for the Pentagon’s Joint Staff.
Update: This comment was posted on Facebook:
Racism alive in well in the Country.... U go! I guess they wanted Osama Bin Laden to blow up the rest of us I guess.... Bush lover!

A response:  "That is your best argument against this General's points? Nothing more? "

Such is the state of reasoned dialog between our ever more balkanized society.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Dark Knight killer James Holmes 'is now a Muslim who prays five times a day'

UK Mail  "James Holmes, the gunman behind the Dark Knight massacre in Colorado last July, has reportedly turned Muslim and prays five times a day.
"The killer showed off a lengthy, thick beard during a court appearance earlier this month, and a prison source has claimed it is a symbol of his new-found faith.
"The source said Holmes has turned to Islam as a way of justifying his horrific murder spree in an Aurora, Colorado cinema on July 20 which left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded."

Debbie Schlussel posts this: Alhamdillulllah [Praise Allah]: “Dark Knight” Murderer James Holmes Converted to Islam  "Last summer, when James Holmes murdered 12 people and seriously injured 58 others at a Batman “Dark Knight” screening in Aurora, Colorado, I got a number of nasty e-mails, tweets on Twitter, and Facebook comments from Muslims who were proud to proclaim that Holmes was not a Muslim, even though I never accused him of being one. On the other hand, Muslims believe that we are all supposed to be Muslim or have a Muslim soul or some other sort of halal baloney. And, so, perhaps it’s fitting that James Holmes has “reverted.” "
....He has brainwashed himself into believing he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels,’ a prison source told the National Enquirer.
 "Um, no, Islam brainwashes people into believing that.

Obama Preaches to the Israeli Choir

Roger L Simon  "But the overwhelming message of the speech, its theme, was an importuning of young Israelis to make sacrifices for peace.  Those sacrifices were, not surprisingly, unspecified,....
"There was only one problem: it was delivered to the wrong audience.
Israeli students are almost all ready to make some sort of compromise for peace. Indeed if peace were really a prospect, I would bet most of them would be fairly weeping for joy.
"The trouble is — they don’t have anyone to make peace with. On the Palestinian side, nobody is home. ...  Hamas is a collection of religious sociopaths and the Palestinian Authority is composed of corrupt cowards who were unwilling to negotiate even after the supposedly bellicose Netanyahu suspended settlement building a couple of years ago."

And you will notice, as Mr. Simon points out, Obama made no apologies to this audience.

"That “walk a mile in their shoes” talk is more than a little condescending.   Most young Israelis I would wager have plenty of empathy for the Palestinians. The problem is the other way around.  Few Palestinians have demonstrated much empathy of any sort toward Israelis. (Watch their television shows.)"
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

From Affirmative Action to Diversity

Victor Davis Hanson   "Sometime in the new millennium, "global warming" evolved into "climate change." Amid growing controversies over the planet's past temperatures, Al Gore and other activists understood that human-induced "climate change" could better explain almost any weather extremity — droughts or floods, too much heat or cold, hurricanes and tornadoes.

"Similar verbal gymnastics have gradually turned "affirmative action" into "diversity" — a word ambiguous enough to avoid the innate contradictions of a liberal society affirming illiberal racial preferencing."