Monday, April 22, 2013

Iran and the progressives; too much alike

Nothing gets past Weasel Zippers:

Iran Channels MSNBC, Blames Boston Terror Attack On U.S. Policies…
"Odd how libs and Islamists are always on the same page… ok, maybe it’s not that odd."
" “The US government is the source of the greatest state-sponsored terrorism and America is inevitably faced with the ugly side of this phenomenon (terrorism) as well,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Seyed Massoud Jazzayeri said on Monday."
Matthews Face 590 LI 2
John Kerry Compares Victims Of Boston Terror Attack To Islamists Killed By Israel During Raid On Gaza Flotilla…  "Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Donkey Hotey
Flashback: Biden Says Corn Syrup More Dangerous Than Terrorism…
"But hundreds of thousands of people die and their lives are shortened because of coal plants, coal-fired plants, and because of corn syrup." says Himself.

DiFi To Peter King: You Have “Real Disdain And Hatred” For Muslims…
 "We’ve seen this a million times before. State the obvious when it comes to Islamic terror… get called a bigot."

Geraldo Rivera On Boston Terror Attack: “Regrets To My Muslim Brothers And Sisters”…

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama's IOUs Start Coming Due

ABC News  "President Barack Obama paved his path to re-election with fewer promises than in 2008. The ones he did lay down, though, are meaty, legacy-shaping for him and consequential to ordinary lives today and for generations to come, for better or worse.
"They also are extraordinarily difficult to achieve in a time of gridlock grief and budgets that are tight when they are not paralyzed.
"He's promised to set a course in law against global warming, stop Iran from gaining the ability to make nuclear weapons, slash America's use of foreign oil, restrain college costs, take a big bite out of the national debt even while protecting the heart of the big entitlement programs and overhaul immigration law." Via Lucianne

I Saw Something, So I'm Saying Something

American Thinker   "We're instructed to speak up about a bloodied man's movement under a boat tarp, but to shut up about the ideological movement that drove him to commit his carnage.
"Well, as it happens, I've seen quite a lot of things over the last few years that I'd like to say something about -- enough things to break a heart and to kill a country."
.... "Americans are being disarmed of our right to free speech, our most potent weapon in this brutal war. Obama and his media allies are locking up the language to even discuss the nature of our enemy, and leaving us stripped of the basic knowledge we need to resist submitting to Islam.
"Oh, here's another thing I saw: Page 261 of Obama's The Audacity of Hope, in which he writes, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Are the winds ugly yet?" Full article.

The Power of Being “Offended” in Order to Shut Down Political Debate  "" Progressives are increasingly claiming to be offended whenever those on the right disagree with their left-wing positions. It doesn't matter what the issue is; the left will divert a legitimate political debate into an accusation that the right disagrees with them because they are full of hate towards them. This puts the right on the defensive, and removes the real debate from discussion. It then becomes difficult for the right to ever prevail with their position, because to do so would mean “hate” had won.' "

Did Boston bomber murder his 'only American friend' in horrific triple killing in 2011?

UK Mail
  • Brendan Mess had throat slit alongside two other men in unsolved murder
  • Boston bomb suspect didn't attend funeral despite them being best friends
  • Former associates at the gym where he trained now believe it is a clue

  • "The friend, who gave his name only as Ray, told BuzzFeed Politics: 'At the time, none of us would have thought it was Tam.
    'It was just so emotional and we thought we had someone else who had done it.'
    "But since Tamerlan was identified as the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured 180, Ray believes his sudden disappearance after Mess's death may be a clue."

    Hey, I read it on the internet and they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true. As Reagan would say, trust but verify.

    Boston Marathon Bombings: Turn to Religion Split Bomb Suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Home  
    " "You know how Islam has changed me," his mother, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in Makhachkala, Dagestan, says he told her.

    "The changes drove a wedge through the Tsarnaev home at 410 Norfolk St., in Cambridge, Mass."....

    Dr. Gosnell: The Price of Utopia

    Ricochet  " "This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who's done nothing but give (back) to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia," announced defense attorney Jack McMahon in his opening salvo before reaching his anti-climactic climax, "It's a prosecutorial lynching of Dr. Kermit Gosnell."  The prescription of racism having thus been written, most of the media took their meds and went dutifully to sleep.  The only thing missing were a few New Black Panthers to stand guard at the courthouse and Eric Holder could have short-circuited the legal process altogether.  But something's gone amiss here as the dark side of utopia slowly comes into the light."

    Sunday, April 21, 2013

    The Lives of the Boston Bombers: What We Do and Don’t Know

    Legal Insurrection  "A comprehensive primer on the bombers, their families, and their histories.
    "After a nation watched in suspense as events unfolded this week surrounding the Boston Marathon bombings and the ensuing manhunt for the suspects, we now await the details in our quest to understand “why.”
    "Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot and killed Friday in a confrontation with police in the early morning hours. Younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev fled, prompting a manhunt that finally ended Saturday after “suspect #2” was found injured and hiding in a boat behind a residence in Watertown, Massachusetts.  Dzhokhar remains in a hospital while the nation awaits what is expected to be an arrest.
    "The week proved to be a difficult one for collecting information, as coverage was frequently erroneous, a problem only exacerbated by the viral nature of social media.  What remains in the wake of that coverage is a sea of assorted facts and fictions, mistaken identities, misquotes and bad news decisions, and even the remnants of hoaxes.
    "In trying to parse through to the facts, what do we know about the suspected Boston bombers?"  More...
     Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

    President speaks on capture of last marathon bombing suspect, oddly, no one cares what he has to say

    Conservative Daily News  "President Obama made a wandering and odd speech on the capture of the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing on Friday. Stranger still, no one really cared what he had to say.
    "The President spent his political capital on gun control. A wasted effort to get Americans to agree that allowing the government to have more rights than the people was reasonable. Again, no one really cared what he had to say.

    "Gun rights and the Boston bomber are both incredibly important issues that most Americans have paid close attention to.  The difference is that Obama has next to no credibility on either of these issues/stories so no one really wants to hear from him on either of  them.

    "President Obama hit the rose garden with a speech he obviously felt would raise the spirits of everyone in Boston. What he failed to realize is that Boston was strong before he ever got elected and they don’t need him to feel safe."

    "I know the Boston bombers" .... deeply religious family

    Atlas Shrugs  "Here is an infidel who knew the family for years. She describes a deeply religious family. The daughters suffered forced marriages and in one case, the unhappy union was accompanied by the requisite beatings prescribed in that culture. The writer describes the Boston jihadis' mother this way, "The hijab shouldn’t have surprised me so much, because she had become increasingly religious while I was in college. She often mentioned Allah, and the lessons of the Koran. “Allah will reward him."
    "The mother thought 9-11 was purposefully created by the American government to make America hate Muslims. “It’s real,” she said, “My son knows all about it.""

    Politically correct epistemic closure counterattacks Boston Marathon bombing reality

    Legal Insurrection   "Once again, the “reality-based community” can’t handle reality
    "Beginning Monday there had been a non-stop attempt to pin the blame for the Boston Marathon on “right-wing” and Tea Party supporters." 

    ...".Now the emerging narrative is that these killers were not part of a vast foreign conspiracy but isolated “lone wolves” who became disenchanted with American society, who were not fully integrated into society, who were unhappy with their lives here and thus became radicalized."....

    PAT CONDELL: Progressives are not liberal, progressives are ‘halal’ (approved by Islam)

    BareNakedIslam   “Statistically speaking, one in four Swedish women will be raped by a Muslim…and every one of them can thank a progressive journalist.”

    Where Did Your Tax Dollar Go?

    Heritage   "It takes taxpayers 6.1 billion hours—or 51 hours per household—to complete all the required filings. That’s more than six full eight-hour working days per household!
    "The compliance burden comes on top of the direct financial cost of $3.5 trillion in federal spending. In 2012, Washington collected $20,000 in taxes for every household in America. But Washington spent nearly $30,000 per household."

    Saturday, April 20, 2013

    The Mainstream Media and the Moore-Maddow-Matthews-MSNBC axis

    Michael Moore’s Continuing Epic Fail -Tweets Sympathetic Comments About Dzhokhar And Tamerlen Tsarnaev. This is nothing new for Moore: Christopher Hitchens: The lies of Michael Moore.

    NPR: Hitler's Birthday Might Have Motivated Right to Bomb Boston Marathon   "The thinking, as we have been reporting, is that this is a domestic, extremist attack and officials are leaning that way largely because of the timing of the attack. April is a big month for anti-government and right-wing individuals. There's the Columbine anniversary, there's Hitler's birthday[.]"
    They can always retract the comment or continue with updated info later; the words are out there into the minds of people who like believing that sort of thing. TD
    Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
    Viewers Abandon MSNBC During Boston Bomb Coverage   "The Monday cable news ratings are in and as expected, the events in Boston made viewership surge as Americans were hungry for the latest information on the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. However, as the Hollywood Reporter notes, the numbers mostly surged for CNN and Fox News while MSNBC was left in the dust:"
    Wait just a pea-picking minute here; Obama had 50 million+ votes in November, so why wouldn't MSNBC have 50 million+ viewers?

    While at the same time over at Fox: Fox's Chris Wallace Asks: Perhaps Boston Residents Would Have Liked Firearms During Tsarnaev Manhunt?