Koch brothers versus so-called journalism "Journalism is no longer an ethical profession. It is not a profession at all. It is nothing but a propaganda machine, cutting and pasting whatever they get their hands on to push an agenda, from the right and especially the left. Real, hardcore, skeptical, fact checking journalists are few and far between. There are no real reporters left in journalism today. There are only agenda driven political hacks and fame seeking wannabes. They besmirch the terms journalist and reporter."
The Times itself sees only evil in all this; Koch brothers want to make your newspaper their megaphone "Having fallen short of their objective of crushing Democrats and liberalism, they now apparently believe a necessary component in their strategy is ownership of a few major newspapers. It is doubtful they want to merely have a voice on the editorial pages, as has always been a publisher’s prerogative. It is far more likely they hope to create print versions of Fox News."
Aided, of course by the sychophantic, Obamaphilic cartoonist David Horsey:
Liberals Freak Out Over Prospect of Koch Brothers Buying the LA Times
"Remember, the LA Times now, two years later, is warning people -- part-timers -- that they may lose their jobs or their compensation because of Obamacare. You know, that's journalistic malpractice. The people at the LA Times should have known that when Obamacare was being debated. The people that read the LA Times, all 25 or 30 of 'em, should have been told that when this thing was being debated. The LA Times let down the readership." Rush Limbaugh
The Times itself sees only evil in all this; Koch brothers want to make your newspaper their megaphone "Having fallen short of their objective of crushing Democrats and liberalism, they now apparently believe a necessary component in their strategy is ownership of a few major newspapers. It is doubtful they want to merely have a voice on the editorial pages, as has always been a publisher’s prerogative. It is far more likely they hope to create print versions of Fox News."
Aided, of course by the sychophantic, Obamaphilic cartoonist David Horsey:
Liberals Freak Out Over Prospect of Koch Brothers Buying the LA Times
"Remember, the LA Times now, two years later, is warning people -- part-timers -- that they may lose their jobs or their compensation because of Obamacare. You know, that's journalistic malpractice. The people at the LA Times should have known that when Obamacare was being debated. The people that read the LA Times, all 25 or 30 of 'em, should have been told that when this thing was being debated. The LA Times let down the readership." Rush Limbaugh