HHS Secretary Sebelius Will Let 10-year old Die
...."Look to Sarah Murnaghan for our future. Sebelius made the heartless decision to let her die.
"Sebelius ordered a review but the review will take a year and Sarah has weeks to live.
"Sebelius has an opportunity to make an exception in the lung transplant case of this 10-year old child who is weeks from death but Sebelius has declined to intervene.
"She said someone lives and someone dies:
“I would suggest, sir, that, again, this is an incredibly agonizing situation where someone lives and someone dies,” Sebelius replied. “The medical evidence and the transplant doctors who are making the rule — and have had the rule in place since 2005 making a delineation between pediatric and adult lungs, because lungs are different that other organs — that it’s based on the survivability [chances].”
"In other words, the rules of the unbending government bureaucracy take precedence. Some live, some die…"
It is indeed a hard decision that requires hard choices when the government runs healthcare. In non-government health care, family of this girl have more voice in her future.
"The government rules say that a child must be 12 to be placed at the top of the list to receive adult lungs and Sarah is just shy of her 11th birthday. The age is an arbitrary cutoff because younger children can receive adult lungs. The lungs would work in her case according to her doctors.
"There are far more adult lungs available than children’s lungs."