Daily Caller "In a wide-ranging interview with Fox News’ Greta van Susteren on Tuesday night, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said there is an alliance between President Obama’s White House and the mainstream news media.
" “They agree with him,” Limbaugh said. “They’re him. They are — I think they’re all part of the elitist New York-Washington-Boston media academic corridor and they think they are Obama.".... More here.
We The People "It has been said here frequently Greta Van Susteren does the best interview on TV.
"This is just part of an hour long interview. You will love it."
"Why because she won’t let the individual off the hook. She’s quite amazing in that way.
"While the majority of the “media” toss out marsh mellows and bob and weave she gets what she wants."
" “They agree with him,” Limbaugh said. “They’re him. They are — I think they’re all part of the elitist New York-Washington-Boston media academic corridor and they think they are Obama.".... More here.
We The People "It has been said here frequently Greta Van Susteren does the best interview on TV.
"This is just part of an hour long interview. You will love it."
"Why because she won’t let the individual off the hook. She’s quite amazing in that way.
"While the majority of the “media” toss out marsh mellows and bob and weave she gets what she wants."