Saturday, August 17, 2013

Barack the Lawgiver; Obama sees the Constitution’s separation of powers as a quaint anachronism.

Charles Krauthammer  ...."Traditionally — meaning before Barack Obama — that’s how laws were changed: We have a problem, we hold hearings, we find some new arrangement, which is ratified by Congress and signed by the president.

"That was then. On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder, a liberal in a hurry, ordered all U.S. attorneys to simply stop charging nonviolent, non-gang-related drug defendants with crimes that, while fitting the offense, carry mandatory sentences. Find some lesser, non-triggering charge. How might you do that? Withhold evidence — e.g., about the amount of dope involved."....
That’s caudillo talk. That’s banana-republic stuff. In this country, the president is required to win the consent of Congress first.
America is becoming a third-world country under a third-world president. TD

What You Might Not Know About Barack Obama

"Photo of our royal family, His Highness Barack Obama* and Michelle Antoinette Now that Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States have been finally dispatched, we have comfortably settled into a monarchy. Mr. Obama doesn’t have to deal with a big, messy, tough democracy any longer and he no longer has to envy the Chinese who don’t have a Congress to deal with. Mr. Obama has done a fine job of ignoring Congress when they refuse to do what he wants. ‘They have to do their work,’ he says.

.... "The energy sector will soon be nationalized under the king thanks to the EPA regulations about to crash down on them."

*Amazing that the cult of personality is enough to overcome a 200-year-old Constitution. Skeptical of these words? Then check out this child who  prays -yes prays- to Barack Obama.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Obama Foreign Policy: Speak Softly and Carry No Stick

'Incoherent' Obama policy on Egypt under fire as violence spreads
"As Egypt descends into chaos, President Obama is facing increasing criticism that an "incoherent" policy toward the country -- much like U.S. policy toward Syria -- is putting U.S. money and influence on the line without a clear end-game."

In fairness, what else can Obama do given the wide range of opinions given by people who know foreign policy? I must say that the overthrow of Morsi was very much in the interests of the US and Israel, but that may be by lucky accident; Obama policies rarely have US interests in mind but rather those of the  politically correct left.
How about this juxtaposition of Krauthammer opinions?
 " I think Obama -- I don't say this often -- I think he got it right today in terms of threading the needle." and....
  "I would say anything that John McCain and Rand Paul agree on, like cutting off aid, has to be wrong."

Foreign  Speak Softly and Carry No Stick; Welcome to the Obama Doctrine in Egypt.    ... "At the same time, it's just as absurd to imagine that a suspension of the $1.5 billion a year in U.S. aid, or the threat of it, would have any effect on Egypt's new military rulers. They have waded hip-deep in blood; they won't retrace their steps because Washington is outraged."

Hillary the Socialist

Dick Morris   "Why did Hillary propose to give every newborn baby a $5,000 savings bond? Because Hillary is as close to a European Socialist as we have in this country. She wants government to help the poor and soak the rich. To do that, she needs the votes of the middle class. So she wants the same system they have in Germany and France where everybody gets welfare, so they all vote to keep the big spenders and big taxers in power. And nobody can cut the benefits either, just like you can’t cut social security, because the middle class is too strong politically to get away with it. And by giving everyone money, she gets everyone’s votes. Its her plan. So watch out."
Morris worked on the Clinton campaign, so he should know.

Too Good to Last; Time to pay our respects to what was, and for European Jews to move elsewhere?

Mosiac Magazine  The ever-increasing Islamization of Europe added to the presence os anti-Semitism is, I believe, akin to the Nazification of the 1930's as it relates to the future of European Jews. TD

 "Michel Gurfinkiel is in the tradition of the great French essayists who put the issues of the day squarely before the public. It is a bold thing to do, especially when the subject under discussion is the fate of the Jews.
"Since 2000 in France alone, as Gurfinkiel notes, 7,650 anti-Semitic incidents ranging from petty insults to brutal racist murders have been reported, and this statistic ignores many more incidents that are known to have occurred but
were not reported to the authorities. Things have come to the point where the chief rabbi of France advises Jews not to wear a kippah (right) in the street because it makes them recognizable as Jews. “Never” has dropped out of the slogan of solidarity, leaving “Again” to stand on its own."

Author Pryce-Jones makes a case I find fascinating: that Europe has rejected the concept of nation-states (the Euro being evidence of that) and the sense of nationhood in Israel is anathema to them. All this while- conversely -making Palestine a nation-state the Holy Grail of liberal nations. Looking into the future:

"If Jews do indeed abandon Europe, it will be to escape a situation in which their very identity is increasingly treated as a matter of suspicion and political contention. Should an emigration en masse come to be a reality, Gurfinkiel concludes, it would constitute “a profound blow to the collective psyche of the Jewish people” as well as a shattering judgment on the “so-called European idea.” In the absence of living Jews, Europeans will have nothing but Holocaust museums and memorials on which to base the moral reckoning of their past."


Thursday, August 15, 2013

New York Times Dissects the Clinton’s World of Money, Ambition, and Politics

The NY Times article being discussed below:
Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions  "Soon after the 10th anniversary of the foundation bearing his name, Bill Clinton met with a small group of aides and two lawyers from Simpson Thacher and Bartlett. Two weeks of interviews with Clinton Foundation executives and former employees had led the lawyers to some unsettling conclusions."

The Left Turns on Hillary Clinton  I'm not too sure about this because this would have come out anyway eventually. By revealing all this so far ahead of the 2016 election, the story will have peaked in time to be called "old news" when it really counts. Perhaps the Times did Clinton a favor.
"In the first sign that Hillary Clinton’s march to the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination is no cinch, the New York Times has done the unthinkable – take a close look at the Clinton family’s complex world of money, ambition, and politics."
Once upon a time, a man started a foundation to promote himself and....
"The Clinton Foundation found itself on the front page of The New York Times. I just don't think that too many "Clinton-istas" expected an article like this:"....
"I always thought that this foundation was a gigantic ego-trip and this article confirms it.  It was a way for President Clinton to spend his retirement as the central figure on the world stage." 

Will claims about her foundation's financial problems hurt Hillary's presidential hopes?   "A scathing article in The New York Times tells how the 'rotating board of old Clinton hands' posed problems for the financial future of the charity because they moved in and out of the chain of command fluidly and made connections to their for-profit business that caused poorly defined divisions."

From James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal: Queen Hillary? Political rent-seeking and her expected coronation.   "But what intrigues us is the way in which laws restricting political speech--in the areas of both campaign finance and taxation--are vital to, as Firestone puts it, "Ms. Clinton's political future.' " In other words, beware her crocodile tears and righteous anger over voter I.D.

Where was this sign about San Diego Mayor Filner displayed?

Some stick-fetching dog!

 One tough pup.

Hillary's race card

By Rich Lowry at Politico
"Anyone who doubts that Hillary Clinton is already in fine fighting trim for a presidential run should consider her speech this week to the American Bar Association in San Francisco.
"She assailed an alleged “assault on voting rights.” She took aim at the Supreme Court’s recent decision striking down a portion of the Voting Rights Act and excoriated states that have recently tightened their voting laws. She declared that “anyone who says that racial discrimination is no longer a problem in American elections must not be paying attention.' ”

"Perspective and reason are the natural enemies of a politics of hysteria. So Hillary won’t let herself be deterred by them. She is evidently fired up and ready to go." More

On this Democrat presidency

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Obama Totally 100% Not a Crook  "President Obama’s increasingly grandiose claims for presidential power are inversely proportional to his shriveling presidency. Desperation fuels arrogance as, barely 200 days into the 1,462 days of his second term, his pantry of excuses for failure is bare, his domestic agenda is nonexistent and his foreign policy of empty rhetorical deadlines and red lines is floundering."
The 'Great Divider' likes political speech only when it likes him  "Obama came of age in the Chicago school of politics in which using official agencies to bully the opposition is a commonplace. So it will hardly be a surprise if and when concrete evidence turns up of White House involvement in the IRS targeting scandal. After all, Democrats like Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have been attacking freedom in the economic realm for decades, so going after political speech likely comes just as easily for them."

The Great Divider  "As president, Obama has not only discarded this core commitment; he has turned it on its head. Republicans aren’t simply people with whom he has philosophical disagreements; they are members of the “Flat Earth Society” and have embraced a budget that demonstrates their “Social Darwinism.”.... PETER WEHNER, April 2012

"Man of the people" dines, golfs with Comcast/ NBC Universal exec

The Obamassiah – More Demon Than Deity   "So…
"I keep saying that America is going down the proverbial toilet with the Dictator, Obama, at the helm and I continue to be roundly criticized by socialists for stating the clearly obvious."  Craig Andresenh
  Video: Yes, he actually prayed…TO…Obama…Thanking him for everything he has done for “us.”  The National Patriot

WSJ: Lawless regulators and the White House earn a judicial rebuke. "The professors and pundits who fret about the Imperial Presidency go into hibernation when the President is a Democrat, so it is crucial that the courts reject Mr. Obama's increasing contempt for constitutional limits."

Explosive new book sets out case for impeaching Barack Obama over Benghazi, health care reform, immigration and spying scandals  The demagogues and the rioters will convene in

Racism everywhere: Mark Steyn and Chip Bok on Al Sharpton

Bokbluster   "When I think of Al Sharpton I think of two words – Tawana Brawley. Now I think of two more – Personal Stylist."
...."The civil-rights establishment’s mistake was to get ahead of itself, to be seduced by its own poetic truth even when there was no evidence to support it. And even now its leaders call for a Justice Department investigation, and they long for civil lawsuits to be filed—hoping against hope that some leaf of actual racial victimization will be turned over for all to see. This is how a once-great social movement looks when it becomes infested with obsolescence.' ”   Quoting Shelby Steele
Mark Steyn;  Racism as a Second Language;  "....Oprah’s account of her racist treatment by a totally racist high-end handbag saleswoman in Switzerland, the lady apparently conversed with Oprah in her own language – English. How many racists in American handbag stores would be considerate enough to insult non-American people of color in their own tongue? Or would even be capable of it?

Liberal Reaction to the Missouri Rodeo Clown is Akin to the Radical Muslim Response to a Mohammed Cartoon

Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Rush Limbaugh   ...."This is no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the prophet Mohammed.  That is exactly what this is.  It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place."

....  "If I were Obama, you know, I'd be bigger than this.  I would pardon the clown, and I would turn it around, and if you want to make it look like something silly and ridiculous and childish, Obama could do that, put this thing in its place, and humiliate everybody involved and be done with it and make it a positive event, instead of the way this is all happening."
However Major Nidal Hasan is being kept financially solvent by the government.

America 2013: Rodeo Clown more politically mature than politicians and media   "Tuffy (Facebook support page here) has been fired and banned for life from the Missouri State Fair, the announcer has resigned, the rodeo association is requiring sensitivity training, and politicians like Claire McCaskill are trying to cash in politically.
"A little history is in order. The vitriol and mockery unleashed at George W. Bush is well documented, and George H.W. Bush received precisely the same rodeo treatment (even down to the broom up the rear end).".... 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In our unheroic age, victimhood has replaced valiant struggle.

Victor Davis Hanson  "In the globally connected and affluent world of the 21st century, we thankfully have evolved a long way from the elemental poverty, hunger, and ethnic, religious, and racial hatred that were mostly the norm of the world until the last century.800px-Beer_summit_cheers

"Yet who would know of such progress — and the great sacrifices made to achieve it — from the howls of our postmodern oppressed? In fact, the better life has become, the more victimized modern affluent Westerners seem to act."
"Since Barack Obama took office in 2009, 15 million Americans have been added to the food-stamp rolls — on top of the over 14 million who were added during President Bush’s eight years in office. Recipients now include almost one in six Americans. Yet apparently to suggest that this vast increase in subsidies is a result of vast relaxation in standards, or that the increase does not mean that another 15 million Americans were suddenly in elemental need, is, in the words of former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, tantamount to “taking food out of the mouths of babies.” "