Obama Threatens Senate Democrats: He'll Shut Gov't If They Delay Obamacare "President Barack Obama is threatening Senate Democrats that if they approve a continuing resolution to fund the government past Monday that also delays Obamacare for one year, he will veto that resolution and shut down the government.
CNS News "The ensuing exchange between Rogers and McGovern on Obama’s veto threat caused the committee chamber to burst into laughter.
Rogers: “Would the gentleman yield?
McGovern: "I happily yield."
Rogers: "You say the president has threatened to veto the bill?"
McGovern: "No, he hasn’t threatened. He said he absolutely will veto."
Rogers: "He’s drawn a red line has he?"
McGovern: "Yep."
"At this point, the small hearing room—which was largely filled with committee members, other members of Congress who had come to testify and congressional staff—burst into laughter. Rep. McGovern then stated his belief that the president was serious about his then-just-issued veto threat. “And, you know what,” said McGovern, “I think he’s very serious about this.”
CNS News "The ensuing exchange between Rogers and McGovern on Obama’s veto threat caused the committee chamber to burst into laughter.
Rogers: “Would the gentleman yield?
McGovern: "I happily yield."
Rogers: "You say the president has threatened to veto the bill?"
McGovern: "No, he hasn’t threatened. He said he absolutely will veto."
Rogers: "He’s drawn a red line has he?"
McGovern: "Yep."
"At this point, the small hearing room—which was largely filled with committee members, other members of Congress who had come to testify and congressional staff—burst into laughter. Rep. McGovern then stated his belief that the president was serious about his then-just-issued veto threat. “And, you know what,” said McGovern, “I think he’s very serious about this.”