..."The more important point to grasp here is not that the various heavy-handed
antics in which the Park Service has seen fit to indulge itself since last
Monday are unimaginable absent a shutdown, but that almost none of them had to
happen because of the shutdown. The offending behavior has, in other
words, been a choice — a deliberate ploy contrived and prosecuted by a man
seeking to make a public point."...
More to the point:
....“It takes federal action to close the sites,” this website’s editorial noted,
“and none to keep them open. This is not what an inactive government looks like,
but a spiteful one.” An anonymous Park Service ranger confirmed that malice ... Staff, the employee said, had “been
told to “make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”....
Petulant, vindictive and...tacky! Obama’s Park Service Removes Handles From Water Fountains In Park Frequented By Joggers And Bikers…
"Doesn’t get any more spiteful than this."