Victor Davis Hanson "Washington has a bad habit of naming laws by what they are not."
"Obamacare does, however, grow government. It increases the federal work force. And clerks in Washington will judge which Americans have too much health care and which have too little — and then even everything out."
"Our next fight is over “comprehensive immigration reform.' ”...."Those convicted of many sorts of crimes may still be eligible for amnesty. Dependence on public assistance will not necessarily be a barrier to citizenship. In other words, the bill will be comprehensively disingenuous."
"Then, to piggyback on worries over high unemployment, there was the 2013 “Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act” that is still being debated."
.... "It will continue to give profitable farmers more federal money when commodity prices are high and government insolvent. And it will subsidize groceries to a record number of recipients at a time when epidemic obesity, not malnutrition, threatens the health of millions of lower-income Americans. Food choice, not scarcity, is our national challenge.
"Beware of Congress bearing the gifts of beautifully misnamed laws."