This are the very words I had been hoping to write because they all need to be said:
Warning Signs
"The government took over the nation’s educational system and it has been failing students for decades...The government took over the environment and, instead of being responsible for removing pollution from the air and waters, now have an agency that is undermining all aspects of the economy, from access to energy reserves to increased costs of manufacturing.
..."Obama’s handling of the nation’s foreign affairs has been a dismal failure. Either he is stupid or his advisers are dumber than he is..."
But as liberals such as Chris Mathews would claim, all these problems caused by this president would be just fine with us on the right if only Barack Obama were white. TD
Warning Signs
..."Playing devil’s advocate, I would argue that Obamacare is the ultimate example of how utterly stupid liberal programs to alter the nation’s economy are. Why would anyone think that the government could possibly take charge of one sixth of the nation’s economy and arguably the finest healthcare system in the world, and not completely ruin it?"