Rand Paul blasts Bill Clinton in response to Democrat “war on women” campaign
"Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) lit up social media yesterday morning with this exchange on Meet the Press with David Gregory. Paul delighted conservatives with this shot at media double standards and the phony “war on women” pose from Democrats by reminding everyone that their eminence grise* was one of the worst offenders — and they still won’t acknowledge it:"...
"Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) lit up social media yesterday morning with this exchange on Meet the Press with David Gregory. Paul delighted conservatives with this shot at media double standards and the phony “war on women” pose from Democrats by reminding everyone that their eminence grise* was one of the worst offenders — and they still won’t acknowledge it:"...
"Mike Huckabee only talked about “female libidos” (and got grossly misquoted for it). Bill Clinton actually did something about it."...
* Somebody who is secretly powerful: somebody who exerts great power or influence secretly or unofficially. Bing dictionaryRand Paul calls out Democrat 'GOP war on women' hypocrisy " The Democrats get away with posing as the defenders of women from horrible GOP ogres only because nobody dares to point out that they are the same party which defended, honors, and seeks to perpetuate the political dynasty of a president who seriously abused women on a regular basis. Yes, Bill Clinton, grand old man of the Democratic Party, defiled the Oval Office, taking advantage of a 20 year old intern, and ruined her life."
Media Covered Up Bill Clinton’s 2008 Affair During Hillary’s Presidential Run "In 2014 because of the media’s protective non-reporting we do not know whether Bill Clinton carried on his affair throughout his wife’s term as secretary of State, whether the national security implications of the affair were raised during her confirmation and whether Bill Clinton has yet learned to not sexually assault women."
The Media Cries Huckabee! If meaning can be so easily misinterpreted, how far must we go to avoid controversy?
"The difference between what Huckabee said and what Huckabee was accused of saying is the difference between the press’s reporting that Joe Biden had told a group of African Americans that the Republican party wanted to “put you all back in chains” and the press’s reporting “Biden to African Americans: I’m going to put you all back in chains.' ”
Imagine Bill Clinton back in the White House with time on his hands "I’m glad I watched. Rand Paul did a great job at many levels, particularly when Gregory brought up the Big Bubba in the room that no one wants to talk about as relates to Hillary Clinton’s presumptive nomination: Bill Clinton will be part of a Billary presidency, and we know what that means."
Clinton's Esquire Magazine cover puts "in your face" on a whole new level.