Rush Limbaugh "He said. "...I would encourage my fellow journalists to keep that in mind in light of the highly touted 'consensus' on the role of carbon dioxide in promoting global warming. Climate science is infinitely more complicated than human physiology. Once all of the data are in, we may find that atmospheric carbon dioxide actually has the effect predicted by physicist Freeman Dyson of the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton."
...."They say, "We can't afford to find out if we're wrong!" It's how they cover themselves. Folks, it's a giant hoax, and science cannot possibly be science if there's a consensus. It's not up to a vote. They're panicking. They're losing ground. That's Paul Mulshine in the Newark Star-Ledger. Sorry, Paul, I had to highlight you. I know it's not gonna help you with your buddies, but it's a good piece. What can I say? You wrote a good piece."