"You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."
1938, after Prime Minister Chamberlain signed an agreement with Hitler
With Ukraine in turmoil, Hagel can’t get Russian counterpart to take his calls "Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters Friday that Mr. Hagel has been trying to communicate with Russian officials but has yet to hear back from Mr. Shoigu or anyone else. Pentagon officials have reached out to Russia on Mr. Hagel’s behalf within the past 24 hours, according to Col. Warren."
Putin Halts All Talks With White House "Since the invasion of Crimea, President Vladimir Putin and President Barack Obama have had regular phone calls in an often half-hearted attempt to deescalate the ongoing crisis inside Ukraine. But as the U.S. and EU prepare to unveil new sanctions against Russia, Putin has decided the interactions should stop. The Kremlin has ended high-level contact with the Obama administration..."
Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure ... "By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.
"By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States." Peter Wehner
Obama’s Approach to Foreign Policy; He either doesn’t care about it, or he’s afraid of it. " I think we all know what Barack Obama’s foreign-policy strategy coming into office was.
Step 1: Be Barack Obama (and not George W. Bush).
Step 2: ????
Step 3: World peace!
"He issued a red line in Syria until his bluff was called. He’s let our ally, the Philippines, fend for itself as China tries to annex Scarborough Shoal. He’s made it clear to the Iranians that he considers talking its own reward, since that will likely kick the hard decision about their nuclear program onto the next president’s desk. When Vladimir Putin began his invasion and annexation of Crimea, Obama mumbled a soft denunciation and then hustled downtown to a DNC rally, telling the crowd, “Well, it’s Friday, it’s after 5:00. So this is officially happy hour with the Democratic party.' ” Jonah Goldberg
State Department launches hashtag strike on Russia "Just when you thought the Obama Administration’s foreign policy couldn’t get any more ridiculous, the State Department sallies forth with a bracing challenge for Russia to respect the lame-o Twitter hashtag they touted last month:
"The top level of the US administration appears to have fallen into two factions pulling in opposite directions: One group, led by President Barack Obama and National Security Advisor Susan Rice, wants Israel to carry the can for progress or for obstacles in negotiations with the Palestinians, while appeasing the latter and letting Iran off the hook on the concerns of Israel (and other Mid East nations)."
And not one bit of the above seems to concern this president at all.
UPDATE: Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Is Driving Us Towards War
"President Obama’s foreign policy is a disaster, not only for the United States, but for the world. From the Ukraine to North Korea to Israel, there is nothing but Obama’s failed policies.
"Russian aircraft have entered Ukrainian airspace several times in the last 24 hours. Putin has every intention of seizing Eastern Ukraine and probably all of Ukraine. Will he stop there? He has already made menacing gestures towards the Baltics. He will act while the embarrassingly weak Barack Obama is in office." ...
1938, after Prime Minister Chamberlain signed an agreement with Hitler
With Ukraine in turmoil, Hagel can’t get Russian counterpart to take his calls "Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters Friday that Mr. Hagel has been trying to communicate with Russian officials but has yet to hear back from Mr. Shoigu or anyone else. Pentagon officials have reached out to Russia on Mr. Hagel’s behalf within the past 24 hours, according to Col. Warren."
Putin Halts All Talks With White House "Since the invasion of Crimea, President Vladimir Putin and President Barack Obama have had regular phone calls in an often half-hearted attempt to deescalate the ongoing crisis inside Ukraine. But as the U.S. and EU prepare to unveil new sanctions against Russia, Putin has decided the interactions should stop. The Kremlin has ended high-level contact with the Obama administration..."
How childish |
"By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States." Peter Wehner
Obama’s Approach to Foreign Policy; He either doesn’t care about it, or he’s afraid of it. " I think we all know what Barack Obama’s foreign-policy strategy coming into office was.
Step 1: Be Barack Obama (and not George W. Bush).
Step 2: ????
Step 3: World peace!
State Department launches hashtag strike on Russia "Just when you thought the Obama Administration’s foreign policy couldn’t get any more ridiculous, the State Department sallies forth with a bracing challenge for Russia to respect the lame-o Twitter hashtag they touted last month:
The world stands #UnitedforUkraine. Let’s hope that the #Kremlin & @mfa_russia will live by the promise of hashtag — Jen Psaki (@statedeptspox) ...Israeli launches spy satellite after US refusal to push for Iran’s weapons program's dismantlement You're on your own, Israel.
"The top level of the US administration appears to have fallen into two factions pulling in opposite directions: One group, led by President Barack Obama and National Security Advisor Susan Rice, wants Israel to carry the can for progress or for obstacles in negotiations with the Palestinians, while appeasing the latter and letting Iran off the hook on the concerns of Israel (and other Mid East nations)."
And not one bit of the above seems to concern this president at all.
UPDATE: Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Is Driving Us Towards War
"Russian aircraft have entered Ukrainian airspace several times in the last 24 hours. Putin has every intention of seizing Eastern Ukraine and probably all of Ukraine. Will he stop there? He has already made menacing gestures towards the Baltics. He will act while the embarrassingly weak Barack Obama is in office." ...