... "In April
Brandeis University cancelled altogether its offer of an honorary doctorate for Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She writes and speaks about real religious liberty and the real war on women in Muslim countries. She’s also a critic of Islam itself. Condoleeza Rice was driven away from her Rutgers University speech by
unhinged faculty members and their poorly informed students accusing her of war crimes. IMF boss Christine Legarde was also disinvited from her speaking engagement at Smith University.
"I’m not equating disinviting Legarde, Rice, or Ali to disinviting Satan. I’m equating academics to nuts.
"In a
column about the lack of due process in college,
Thomas Sowell discusses “free speech” zones on campus:"
When free speech is harassed on college campuses "Three weeks ago, a California professor was ambling across her campus when she saw a teenager holding up a political sign she didn't like. What happened next reveals a larger problem: the steady assault on free speech at universities." ...
When Campus Intolerance Means Free Speech Gets Torn Up and Run Over, Literally
"Being offended is what happens when you have your deepest beliefs challenged. And if you make it through four years of college without having your deepest beliefs challenged, you should demand your money back.
"I have been saying that line in speeches on campus for more than a decade. Even though it often gets a laugh, the idea that students have an overarching “right not to be offended” seems more entrenched on campus than ever."....