"The straw man has feet of clay". Don't get your hopes up; it's just that Mr. Obama is not far enough left for the Left
Straw man: A fallacy in which an opponent's argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted.
Legal Insurrection
..."Barack Obama’s speeches have always been composed—from the very start of his national campaign, when I first began to follow him—of some combination of these things: platitudes, self-references, outrageous statements (lies, or promises that turn out to be lies), passing the buck to others, criticizing the US, ascribing bad motives to the opposition, and attacking strawmen. Has he ever had any other arrows in his quiver?
"He’s still doing all of this, but even the left seems to be getting a little bit sick of it (does that mean they’ve turned into racists?).
"Oh, I suppose it would still be okay with them if his accomplishments were more obvious. But the biggest one so far, Obamacare, may turn out to be a pyrrhic victory.
"That could all change, of course, if immigration “reform” passes. Ensuring a permanent Democrat majority and making the American people more and more dependent on big government would be the biggest accomplishment of all."
Straw man: A fallacy in which an opponent's argument is overstated or misrepresented in order to be more easily attacked or refuted.
..."Barack Obama’s speeches have always been composed—from the very start of his national campaign, when I first began to follow him—of some combination of these things: platitudes, self-references, outrageous statements (lies, or promises that turn out to be lies), passing the buck to others, criticizing the US, ascribing bad motives to the opposition, and attacking strawmen. Has he ever had any other arrows in his quiver?
"He’s still doing all of this, but even the left seems to be getting a little bit sick of it (does that mean they’ve turned into racists?).
"Oh, I suppose it would still be okay with them if his accomplishments were more obvious. But the biggest one so far, Obamacare, may turn out to be a pyrrhic victory.
"That could all change, of course, if immigration “reform” passes. Ensuring a permanent Democrat majority and making the American people more and more dependent on big government would be the biggest accomplishment of all."