... "The DOJ claims that the city violated the law when it refused the Abu Huraira Islamic Center the right to create an Islamic cultural center in the basement of the St. Anthony Business Center. The DOJ cites a violation of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act that was enacted in the year 2000.
"In his press conference, Luger said that if local voters rose up to force their politicians to allow the Islamic center to be established and follow his interpretation of the law he would consider withdrawing the lawsuit. " ...
MINNESOTASTAN: Hamas’ American affiliate CAIR says “jump.” Obama and Holder say, “how high?”
"In his press conference, Luger said that if local voters rose up to force their politicians to allow the Islamic center to be established and follow his interpretation of the law he would consider withdrawing the lawsuit. " ...
MINNESOTASTAN: Hamas’ American affiliate CAIR says “jump.” Obama and Holder say, “how high?”