Some cultures are indeed better than others.
The American Culture
The American Culture
"Multiculturalism is a product of relativism; the only way you can believe that all cultures are equally valid and good is if you believe that all values are relative, that there is no objective right or wrong or good or bad. Of course even the most hard core relativist can’t live such a philosophy consistently, but that doesn’t stop them from believing it anyway. Most people with a modicum of common sense realize that some cultures are better than others, but this doesn’t apply to the West’s cultural elite. For them it isn’t only relativism that makes them think such an absurd notion, but an animosity to the West, and mostly to America. The political class in the West bought this silliness for decades, but there is something about radical Muslims beheading people on camera that concentrates the mind.
"Libertarian Walter Williams tells us multiculturalism is now failing, but why some otherwise intelligent people would buy it:" ... More...
Multiculturalism and Islam "Muslims destroying a university may come as a shock to many professors in the West today, for it flies in the face of the multiculturalism they profess. It is too ironic to imagine multiculturalists supporting the very culture that would destroy them." Read more:
2011; Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism "The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants. For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants to ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law."