First, what Rush has to say: The Rush Limbaugh Show Exposes the Stop Rush Conspiracy
... "How does this small group make themselves look so much bigger than they actually are? Stop Rush has deployed custom automated tweeting software, in violation of Twitter’s rules, that lets their activists send tweets at a rate far faster than any unassisted person could do manually. They send barrages of thousands of messages through this software until advertisers are bullied and harassed into cancellation.
"These activists have long operated in secret and anonymously. But now, The Rush Limbaugh Show has the results of an investigation that names the people tweeting, facebooking, and emailing small businesses with harassing and bullying messages over and over until they surrender. These names are surprising, and include a tenured professor at Kent State University using her official email account to badger advertisers." ...
In summary, #StopRush is an organized effort by Media Matters for America to widely and indiscriminately distribute lists of targets, and harass and bully them, under cover of anonymity. It is not grassroots, but deployed by extremist activists using deception and automated software to appear bigger and more prevalent than they are.
What the Rush Limbaugh Camp Says They Found out About the Political Activists Behind the ‘Stop Rush’ Campaign
... "The activists have been able to make their reach look larger by using automated tweeting software, which is in violation of Twitter rules, according to a release by Limbaugh’s camp. The automated tweeting software allows them to send tweets faster.
"The Limbaugh show is releasing the names of those top 10 tweeters, who account for 70 percent of all tweets.
"One of the top tweeters is a professor at Kent State University. Another is a contributor to the liberal blog Daily Kos." ...
Rush Limbaugh Tips Waitress Very Generously. She Repays Kindness With Vileness. "But the waitress, Merrit Tierce, is a Limbaugh hater. The pro-life radio host’s generosity failed to change her mind."
Rush Limbaugh strikes back at DCCC ... " On Tuesday, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel sent a blast email asking supporters to sign a petition calling on Limbaugh's sponsors to pull their advertising from his program because of remarks he had made about rape. Israel characterized Limbaugh as saying, "…No" means "yes" if you know how to spot it…” The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent out a similar email on Wednesday." ...
Rush sponsors in 2013 A stop Rush site that gives contact info to protest Rush. You may also use it to support Rush.
From 2012; Sponsors That Still Support Rush Limbaugh
"These activists have long operated in secret and anonymously. But now, The Rush Limbaugh Show has the results of an investigation that names the people tweeting, facebooking, and emailing small businesses with harassing and bullying messages over and over until they surrender. These names are surprising, and include a tenured professor at Kent State University using her official email account to badger advertisers." ...
In summary, #StopRush is an organized effort by Media Matters for America to widely and indiscriminately distribute lists of targets, and harass and bully them, under cover of anonymity. It is not grassroots, but deployed by extremist activists using deception and automated software to appear bigger and more prevalent than they are.
What the Rush Limbaugh Camp Says They Found out About the Political Activists Behind the ‘Stop Rush’ Campaign
... "The activists have been able to make their reach look larger by using automated tweeting software, which is in violation of Twitter rules, according to a release by Limbaugh’s camp. The automated tweeting software allows them to send tweets faster.
"The Limbaugh show is releasing the names of those top 10 tweeters, who account for 70 percent of all tweets.
"One of the top tweeters is a professor at Kent State University. Another is a contributor to the liberal blog Daily Kos." ...
Rush Limbaugh Tips Waitress Very Generously. She Repays Kindness With Vileness. "But the waitress, Merrit Tierce, is a Limbaugh hater. The pro-life radio host’s generosity failed to change her mind."
Rush Limbaugh strikes back at DCCC ... " On Tuesday, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel sent a blast email asking supporters to sign a petition calling on Limbaugh's sponsors to pull their advertising from his program because of remarks he had made about rape. Israel characterized Limbaugh as saying, "…No" means "yes" if you know how to spot it…” The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent out a similar email on Wednesday." ...
Rush sponsors in 2013 A stop Rush site that gives contact info to protest Rush. You may also use it to support Rush.
From 2012; Sponsors That Still Support Rush Limbaugh