Random thoughts by Thomas Sowell ... "The biggest issue in this fall’s election is whether the Obama administration will end when Barack Obama leaves the White House or whether it will continue on, by appointing federal judges with lifetime appointments who share President Obama’s contempt for the Constitution. Whether such judges will be confirmed by the Senate depends on whether the Senate continues to be controlled by Democratic majority leader Harry Reid." ...
"Who says the Obama administration is not transparent? They are constantly telling our enemies overseas when we will pull out our troops and where we will not put boots on the ground." More...
"Who says the Obama administration is not transparent? They are constantly telling our enemies overseas when we will pull out our troops and where we will not put boots on the ground." More...
..."I must have heard the word “diversity” proclaimed in ringing tones as a great benefit to society at least a thousand times — and probably closer to a million — without even once hearing a speck of evidence provided or even suggested as a way to test whether that is true or false."