Watch the Kool Aid Bowl at "Of course the punditocracy is already war-gaming the 2016 election, and the reliable latte-liberals of are pointing out the obvious in “Mitch Is On Borrowed Time“: that the GOP will be defending many more Senate seats in 2016 than this year, and would easily lose the Senate. Well, at least taxpayers aren’t paying for analysis this acute.
"But it’s worth reading all the way to the end for perhaps the Schadenfreudiest moment of the post-election liberal angst:" ...
The election autopsy ... "Over at The New York Times opinion page, the left has taken to wagon circling, bias reinforcement, and the mockery of a set of American voters that were foolish enough to give Republicans power."
The NY Times article referred to the Republican advertising strategy as ..."nearly dimwitted, Goober-esque affectations" .TD
White House Turns to Sharpton on How To Work with GOP? ..."As he’s enjoyed mentioning in the past, Sharpton has a direct line to the White House. He’s visited numerous times, trades daily emails with Ms. Jarrett. So when the Democrats went down to in flames three days ago, guess who President Obama met with the next day? Not Mitch McConnell, not John Boehner, not DNC Chairwoman (for now) Debbie Wasserman Schultz." ...
Obama: An Insufferable PEST (Post-Election Stress Trauma.) ... "It was painful to watch the petulant leader of such a great country contort the message of the midterm election results. But we must empathize; after all, Obama is in the throes of the dreaded PEST."
...And, you know, I wish they would stop calling this man -- I can't call him no president -- this man in the White House, the first black president, because he's not the first black president. He does not have the same bloodlines that blacks in America have. His bloodline is totally different from ours, in the way he is going about California, I'm talking about like Riverside, San Bernardino, Fontana, Ontario, LA, Bakersfield, everywhere blacks, no work, 'cause all the jobs he gave to illegal immigrants. They got the jobs, and they got the money...
Michael Barone on The Shrinkage of the Obama Majority ... "Democrats see themselves as the party of the future. But their policies are antique. The federal minimum wage dates to 1938, equal pay for women to 1963, access to contraceptives to 1965. Raising these issues now is campaign gimmickry, not serious policymaking." ...
PS: This argues for the electoral system of voting instead of the popular vote.
... Democratic territory has been reduced to the bastions of two core groups — black voters and gentry liberals. Democrats win New York City and the San Francisco Bay area by overwhelming margins but are outvoted in almost all the territory in between — including, this year, Obama’s Illinois. Governor Jerry Brown ran well behind in California’s Central Valley, and Governor Andrew Cuomo lost most of upstate New York.Take a look at who makes the big electoral difference in California:
The farmers and ranchers are in the red portion; those who pass the laws and regulations they must operate under -like making sure every chicken has six feet of space in it's coop -live in the blue area. Water usage in the red area is decided by those in the blue section. Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Brown are elected by blue voters. New York would be much the same .TD
PS: This argues for the electoral system of voting instead of the popular vote.