Meanwhile, we cower in fear of the North Koreans and Islamic radicals, to whom respect must be paid by us.
MRC Culture "It’s the reason for the season, so naturally, attacks on Christianity tend to pick up around this time of year. The mocking and sacrilege gets a bit more pointed in the media. The sneering contempt from entertainers and lefty activists gets a bit thicker.
MRC Culture "It’s the reason for the season, so naturally, attacks on Christianity tend to pick up around this time of year. The mocking and sacrilege gets a bit more pointed in the media. The sneering contempt from entertainers and lefty activists gets a bit thicker.
"But insulting Christians is a year-round sport, like
bowling. Unlike bowling, you’ll find all the best people doing it, from the New
Yorker to Comedy Central, from CNN to Hollywood.
Whether it’s a “beef baby Jesus,” “climate change Christmas carols” or simply
slandering core beliefs as “bigotry,” media liberals haven’t held back when it
comes to Christians this year.
"Unless there was serious or good news to report. Then there
was mostly silence.
"If you didn’t know anything about Christianity and its place
in American culture and history, and had to learn it from the mainstream and
entertainment media in 2014, what would your takeaways be? These
would probably be your top five:" ...Keep reading...