The eyes of Texas better open soon.
An in-depth look at Shariah Law by Adina Kutnicki:
ISLAMIC ALARM ALERT: Shariah Law Implanted in America! What/Where Are The Dangers? (Emphases in the original. TD)
"Editor’s Note:
. . . "On Tuesday, Breitbart Texas said it confirmed the existence of an Islamic tribunal dispensing Sharia law in Texas. According to the report, the tribunal consists of four attorneys operating in Dallas. The tribunal, Breitbart added, issues voluntary rulings on civil disputes like divorces and family problems. While one might think the existence of such a tribunal would make national news, a Google search found that the so-called "mainstream media" has yet to issue a single report as of this writing.
Taher El-badawi, one of the so-called "judges" of the tribunal, told Breitbart the tribunal applies Shariah law only to litigants who voluntarily accept their rulings on disputes involving family and business issues. According to El-badawi, the organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.” Meriam(sp)-Webster’s Dictionary defines tribunal as “a court or forum of justice.”
ISLAMIC ALARM ALERT: Shariah Law Implanted in America! What/Where Are The Dangers? (Emphases in the original. TD)
. . . "SPECIFICALLY, the Muslim Brotherhood’s overall plan is to subsume all of America under the boot of Shariah, not “just” the Muslim community. They are deadly serious, and their track record attests as much. Don’t dare to dismiss their American (and global) designs.
"AT its base, Shariah Law is a knock out blow (despite protestations to the contrary, ala Islamists and anti-American leftists) to the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land." Much more on this here.
Related, wouldn't you say? From The Freedom Fighter's Journal:
‘Discover Hell on Earth’: France Releases Graphic Video Showing Executions, Crucifixions and Terror to Warn Citizens Against Joining the Islamic State"Editor’s Note:
The video embedded in this story features disturbing themes and extreme violence."
. . . "The graphic, two-minute clip published on Stop Djihadisme (Stop Jihadism), a new counter-jihad website created by France’s Interior Ministry, attempts to dismiss the promises that terrorists are making to individuals interested in joining jihadist groups, with the government telling French citizens that they will “discover hell on earth” and “die alone” if they join militants.. . .