. . . "Gosh, Marie - you're right! Nobody has ever won a war by killing the enemy! At least, not in your brief lifetime. So what exactly can we do to cope with this growing tidal wave of fanatical killers?
"We need to be "fighting them on social media," according to Harf, no doubt alluding to the fierce warriors of Tweet Team Six. And "we need, in the longer term, to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups."
"Root causes like rabid Islamic radicalism - right, Marie? Right...?
Of course not! The root cause is "lack of opportunity for jobs." No doubt because those profit-seeking (as opposed to Prophet-seeking) bastards from WalMart opened megastores all over the Middle East and put all of the small local businesses out of work.
"But what Hope n' Change finds a little hard to understand is why unemployment is forcing ISIS members to behead and immolate people, while Democrats in the United States routinely suggest that unemployment is actually a liberating experience which encourages the idle citizenry to create works of art, music, and literature."
Marie Harf ignores the First Law of Holes . . . "Harf has now become a national joke, and it is difficult to see how she can recover any dignity, mich less the gravitas necessary to represent the State Department. Steven Hayward of Powerline suggests a new term be put into play, Harfing. Although he doesn’t define it precisely, I would suggest: “Ignoring the obvious in an effort to deflect attention away from an inconvenient truth.”
"There’s a whole lotta Harfing going on in the era of Obama."
Michelle Malkin: The persistent left-wing myth of the poor, oppressed jihadist is absolute madness. . . . "How many times do we have to remind the clueless kumbaya crowd that al-Qaida mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri had a medical degree, as did Hamas bigwig Abdel al-Rantisi and the seven upper-crust doctors who helped plan the 2007 London/Glasgow bombings?" . . .
Biden claims to know lots of Somali cab drivers.
A Detroit man stabbed two people at a suburban bus stop after asking his victims whether or not they were Muslim, according to police. Federal authorities are now looking at the case as a potential hate crime, police said on Tuesday.
If this man only had a job this would not have happened.
A Detroit man stabbed two people at a suburban bus stop after asking his victims whether or not they were Muslim, according to police. Federal authorities are now looking at the case as a potential hate crime, police said on Tuesday.
If this man only had a job this would not have happened.