It is wisest to avoid international conspiracy theories, and I have until this one. They usually do not hold water, even with a president I have such a low regard for as Barack Hussein Obama. But Mr. Obama demonstrates such an affinity for Muslims in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular - the dots to connect keep accumulating- that I fear letting this information pass without acknowledging its content.
Can we not say Mr. Obama likes and respects the Muslim Brotherhood more than he does his political opposition here in America? If you agree, please accept this series for what it is worth to you. TD
Noisy Room, Part one "The Betrayal Papers will trace the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama administration’s foreign and domestic policies. The five-part series will present a picture of a conspiracy that is manipulating the American government to the benefit of a totalitarian, genocidal movement that seeks to establish a global Islamic State.
- The Muslim Brotherhood is an international political, financial, terrorist and movement whose goal is to establish a global Islamic State (Caliphate).
- They have and continue to exert tremendous influence of the American government’s foreign and domestic policies under President Barack Hussein Obama.
- The violence in the Middle East and across North Africa is a direct consequence of the Muslim Brotherhood’s effective control over American foreign policy in the region.
- They operate through various “civic” front groups, as well as through American institutions who take their money as operational funding (Georgetown University, Brookings Institution).
. . . "Internationally, America is in retreat. The Middle East is in ashes, and in the midst of an ongoing genocide replete with daily horrors, the likes which have not been seen for centuries. Former allies have been abandoned and are embittered. Under the present leadership in the White House and State Department, Israel is considered the aggressor and Hamas the oppressed.
"In sum, the world is at its most volatile point since the outbreak of World War II."
.. ..Betrayal Papers Part 2: In Plain Sight: A National Security “Smoking Gun” . . . . "This article will name several key people who were or are in the Obama administration and who have various, documented associations with organizations which are directly tied to and/or funded by the Muslim Brotherhood and the State of Qatar (home to Brotherhood’s Spiritual Leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi). These individuals have helped dictate national security policies that have crippled counterterrorism efforts at home and abroad."
The Betrayal Papers is a collaborative effort by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens, which includes:Andrea Shea King, Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, Benjamin Smith, Bethany Blankley, Brent Parrish, Charles Ortel,Chris Nethery, Denise Simon, Dick Manasseri, Gary Kubiak, Gates of Vienna, Hannah Szenes, IQ al Rassooli, Jeff Bayard, Leslie Burt, Marcus Kohan, Mary Fanning, General Paul E. Vallely, Regina Thomson, Scott Smith, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Colonel Thomas Snodgrass, Trever Loudon, Wallace Bruschweiler, and William Palumbo.