Video; "Three months ago during a discussion about a possible nuclear deal with Iran, Deputy White House National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said that the United States would require inspection access “anywhere and anytime.” . . .
"Really? Because on Tuesday, he told the same network that “we never sought, in this negotiation, the capacity for so-called ‘anytime, anywhere’ where you could go basically anywhere in the country.' ” There's that term "snap back" again.
CBS reporter shrugs off 'spanking' by Obama
Obama values an American deserter/traitor more than 4 innocent Americans held hostage by Iran. . . "Left behind were four innocent American hostages imprisoned by the regime for years. On Wednesday, CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett asked about them. Barack Obama, the snarkiest, most thin-skinned president in American history, lashed out – not at the Iranians, but at the temerity of Garrett for daring to ask him the question."