Conservative Daily News "It’s disturbing to witness the collapse of logic, especially when perpetrated by our own president. After all, if we were to believe what so many of his devotees claim prima facie, he’s among the smartest on the planet. But his nuclear deal with Iran proves to the contrary; not just by its terms, but his illogic in support of it." . . .
"Obama added that no better deal was or is possible than the one he has negotiated. Since the bargaining table was approached from a position of weakness, acquiescence, and appeasement, he’s likely correct. But if the process had been approached from a position of strength, like Reagan did with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, then the final agreement would have been much more inhibiting to Iranian nuclear ambitions, and we, and our allies, could have come away from the negotiations feeling much safer and assured.". . .
"The President also claimed that “no one has presented any alternatives” to his plan. All I can say is, it must be nice to live in a vacuous tunnel where the only voice one hears is their own, and those who echo his! If negotiations had been approached from a position of strength, we would have four Americans on the way home, rather than continuing to languish as political prisoners in Iranian prisons.". . .