The fall of Scott Walker
. . . "Scott Walker had three different positions (count them: three) on birthright citizenship alone in a week's time. He quickly became known as being squishy on immigration.
. . . "I've always felt that he was a governor who did a conservative thing with the unions rather than a conservative governor who did a conservative thing with the unions. He's probably the best liberal Wisconsin can do with, but American can do better." . . .
Caffeinated Thoughts
""Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker announced Monday afternoon that he is suspending his campaign for the Republican nomination for President. He follows former Texas Governor Rick Perry as the second candidate to drop out of the still large field of 15 major candidates.. . . "Scott Walker had three different positions (count them: three) on birthright citizenship alone in a week's time. He quickly became known as being squishy on immigration.
. . . "I've always felt that he was a governor who did a conservative thing with the unions rather than a conservative governor who did a conservative thing with the unions. He's probably the best liberal Wisconsin can do with, but American can do better." . . .
Caffeinated Thoughts
"Walker said he was disappointed by the debate taking place in the Republican party that is not focused on Ronald Reagan’s optimism, but instead has devolved into personal attacks.
“ 'In the end, I believe that voters want to be for something and not against someone. Instead of talking about how bad things are, we want to hear about how we can make them better for everyone,” Walker stated.
“ 'Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the race so that a positive conservative message can rise to the top of the field. With that in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately,” Walker announced." . . .
“The short answer is money,” said a supporter of Mr. Walker’s who was briefed on the announcement. “He’s made a decision not to limp into Iowa.”
“ 'I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same, so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front-runner,” Mr. Walker said in the short appearance, at which he took no questions. “This is fundamentally important to the future of the party and, more importantly, to the future of our country.' ” . . .
Walker’s Collapse Isn’t Trump’s Fault