Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor for Allen West
"Anyone watching GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comments on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” could immediately predict the ensuing outrage from the liberal media over his comments that he would not support a Muslim as President of the United States.
"Never mind that none other than our dear president can freely make critical comments about “less-than-loving Christians” — and call out the “terrible deeds” during the Crusades and Inquisition and, more recently, involving slavery and Jim Crow, “justified in the name of Christ.”
"Meanwhile, when one of the leading GOP candidates for president cited Islam’s incompatibility with our nation’s Constitution — our nation’s rule of law — the media pounced.
"But perhaps contrary to the intent of many of those pouncing, candidate Carson’s campaign appears not to be suffering any fallout from the controversy. Quite the contrary: in the wake of Carson’s “politically incorrect” comments, fundraising money is now pouring in." . . .
Hat tip to The Comical Conservative