Jammie Wearing Fool
"He’s crossed over now from mildly deranged to completely psychotic.
“It was sort of interesting yesterday. Your reporter in South Carolina who was absolutely terrible,” Trump said, referring to CNN’s Randi Kaye, who covered Trump’s speech in Charleston. “I made a speech to the African American Chamber of Commerce in South Carolina. Wonderful people. And the room was full, every seat was full. . . .
Is Trump Ready for Truman’s Kitchen? ". . . Truman was one tough dude. He was, it’s worth remembering, the man who told us of politics and the presidency, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” He also opined, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” Wise words those.
"Barack Obama has been a kind of anti-Truman, hardly ever living up to his word. Two easy examples are the phony red line to Assad regarding chemical weapons and the now silly-seeming claim that the Iranians would have to allow “anytime, anywhere” inspections in order for us to sign the Iran deal. Compared to Harry, Barack’s a wimp. That Putin has (literally) pushed him all over the map — first Ukraine, now Syria — is no accident.
"So where does The Donald fit in this equation? Superficially, he seems a macho guy, but I’m not sure Truman would approve of his thin skin.
Trump Feuds with Fox News, Refuses to Appear on Network ‘for the Foreseeable Future’
"Barack Obama has been a kind of anti-Truman, hardly ever living up to his word. Two easy examples are the phony red line to Assad regarding chemical weapons and the now silly-seeming claim that the Iranians would have to allow “anytime, anywhere” inspections in order for us to sign the Iran deal. Compared to Harry, Barack’s a wimp. That Putin has (literally) pushed him all over the map — first Ukraine, now Syria — is no accident.
"So where does The Donald fit in this equation? Superficially, he seems a macho guy, but I’m not sure Truman would approve of his thin skin.
Trump Feuds with Fox News, Refuses to Appear on Network ‘for the Foreseeable Future’
“When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome,” the Fox News spokesperson said.”He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”