Jennifer Rubin
In the introduction to the John Hay Initiative’s e-book “Choosing to Lead,” Peter Wehner writes:
Those running for high public office are likely to find the American people somewhat disoriented, feeling vulnerable, anxious, and unusually powerless in the face of global affairs. There can be little wonder why. The United States has waged war for nearly fifteen years and undertaken “nation-building” operations that turned out to be more difficult and costly than we imagined. If previous administrations overestimated America’s capacity to shape events, the current Administration has made the United States a reluctant and often passive world power, and the world is more turbulent and dangerous because of it.. . . "Second, JHI seeks to address the vacuums Obama left around the globe that were filled by bad actors, including Russia, China, Iran, Syria and Islamic jihadists. Implicit in that is a recognition that the United States cannot leave to “history” or to other powers the job of ensuring international stability and peace. That does not necessarily or even frequently necessitate military action. With regard to Russia, for example, Paula Dobriansky and David Kramer suggest:" . . .More at this link